Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Will Brahm
Professional recordings. High Level Of Sound
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Creativity and unique vibe to performance live and at the studio
Arranged the Original Version of Laura Pausini's Song "Bastava" - https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastava Made our own way into the music business by layin our 20+ years experience on the line servicing underground bands in Italy and Europe.
Having played in many different live and studio scenarios, I am confident in my ability to bring a song to life by way of feel, passion, and creativity. I play for the song and am proficient in many different styles/genres/feels.
Top world quality at unbeatable price. Your personal project will finally arrive at the top-notch audio and production you are looking for. I am a firm believer that audio quality is no negotiable and that the lay listener should never be underestimated in his ability to recognize and appreciate it.
SAG-AFTRA Session singer for Grammy winning albums, TV, Commercials and Film. Artists such as: Keb' Mo', Melody Gardot, Sweet Pea Atkinson, Tom Freund, Steve McCormick Band, Love Me In The Dark. Brands such as: Coke Zero, TJ Maxx, Toys R Us. TV/Film such as: Bachelorette, Big Love and more.
If you want to work with a dedicated creative who loves a bit of everything and aims to be unique, I'm your man. Check out my current project @asleepinplanes to get an idea of my influences & direction.
10+ years experience as Studio & Live Sound Engineer. 10+ years experience as a vocalist Most proficient in Logic Pro X & Waves VSTs.
Electronic music producer, mastering and mixing
Recent Successes
"I will definitely be working with Marco again! He is very professional, very creative, and very collaborative. My song sounds amazing thanks to his mixing and mastering, and it was such an enjoyable and smooth process. "
"I was looking for someone to help to mix sound alot more vibrant and just better overall.Austin was very respective and Quick! Its nice working with someone who's open to experimenting and things like last minute chan..."
"Lorne is wonderful to work with. He's talented, fast and professional. I gave him a pop song, asked him to compose and play an accompanying bagpipes piece and 48 hours later it was in my hands. The bagpipes were ex..."
"Perfect work as usual!"
"Amazing results! Gerard is a true talented professional. Made the my vocals so crisp and clear. 100% recommend."
"Delivery is excellent but his flexibility is outstanding. I am not an instrument guru so when I engaged him my job was slightly different from my understanding and the request I had put down. He handled it all and did..."
"Emma was an absolute pleasure to work with. She completely nailed the recording and I was really impressed with the quality and delivery. A complete professional who understood the project and I hope to call upon Emma..."
"Incredible work. More than what I was expecting could get done with my mix. Gave the song a fuller yet clearer sound. Excellent communication too. "
"Austin is friendly and really listens to what the client needs. He did a master for me that exceeded my expectations. I will definitely be back for great sounding masters!"
"This was a different vibe/style from the last couple John played on, and he jumped right in and delivered. Great feel for the tune, and several different options were provided - all of which sounded great. I'll be bac..."