Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with which he has played professionally for over 50 years. Since coming to Nashville in 1992
Professional recording studio specializing in horn section overdubs, drums, bass, guitar, vocals, strings, bands, singer songwriters, original and cover songs. We are set up for full band recording along with ample space for horn and string sessions. Extensive Mic locker. Running LogicProX along with a plethora of plug-ins and processing.
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Modern Minstrel Mixing & Mastering has been providing professional Live sound, recording, mixing and mastering services since 1979. Specializing in acoustic based folk/blues/world music, but I love all styles of music!
Jared Chance Taylor is a composer/songwriter, vocalist, band director, producer, and mixing engineer. Beyond his career as a songwriter who has performed in a wide variety of America's top concert venues, Jared scores for Film/TV with recent projects including bodies of work for ESPN & Amazon.
I recently graduated from MTSU Summa Cum Laude with a 3.977 GPA. I majored in Audio Production and minored in Entertainment Technology. I have experience audio engineering (2yrs), recording music (1.5yrs), working in studios (1.5yrs), and running live sound (1mo), producing electronic music & hip-hop (16mo over 2.5yrs), and DJing (3yrs).
I am a versatile bass guitarist with 10+ years experience as well as a music producer who creates most of his sounds from scratch.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!!
helloooo! my name is Crystal Rose and i am a songwriter and performing artist from Kansas City, now located in Nashville. i specialize in pop, soul, hip-hop and singer-songwriter styles. i've been scouted for American Idol, The Four on Fox, America's Got Talent and NBC's The Voice and i appeared on season 16 of The Voice.
I'll give quality work for good prices.
You probably want someone to produce and/or co-write your song that has shown musical promise since childhood. Some of my earliest memories consist of me being awe-struck by how a song affects my emotions. That is still my end game; making music that moves people.
Recent Successes
"very professional and patient..had a amazing experience.definitely recommend..."
"iMi is absolutely fantastic-- in musicality as well as personality. He brings a very unique style to the table-- his smooth, smoky sound is bar none. Definitely hire this guy."
"Before coming to Pietown Sound, I had all of these styles in mind, Keith Armstrong helped me stay true to my heart's true style and simplified the sound I was looking for from all the styles I grew to love. Not many p..."
"Brilliant delivery. Great Person to work with. Top marks all the way. Will be collaborating in future projects 100% "
"Marc knocked it out the park with our second song that we’ve worked with him. Can’t wait for the rest!"
"Rob mixed 5 orchestral pieces for me so far. The mixes are very rich, interesting and clean. Communication was excellent. Rob does a mastering pass after each mixing revision, which is very useful for reviewing. Gener..."
"Yoanna was an absolute dream. She provided a professional performance for my track and also added her personal touch to it, making it even better. I definetly reccomend, fantastic artist and unique voice, easy to comm..."