Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with the wolfwalk experience
Where noise turns to Sound! Let me transform your recording to a fitting and pleasing Sound.
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My name is Abu and I'm a producer from Waltham. I use Ableton as my main DAW.
I specialize in producing and mixing music.
A cellist , musician, clasical background and good improvisation skils. I can both play from notes and compose myselt the cello part. I own a very good cello. I also sing and I can do second voice or sing othet vocal part.
Music Production(lyrics, compose, arrangement, mixdown, mastering, studio direction, live artist direction of showbiz etc.) Client exapmple: Sony Music, Sony Computer Entertainment, Resistor Records, sun-krad Co., Ltd, FWD inc, NHK, CAM MUSIC CREATION Inc., Tipness, Mages, Gumi etc. *More details, please visit website https://studioergo.wordpres
A high-quality, boutique recording, mixing, and mastering studio nestled just north of downtown Austin. A recording studio in a home, not just a home studio.
I'm influenced by ongoing trends creating emotional and polished vocal comps. My toplines are high end and clean.
For 10 years I have been recording trombone for different artists. I also work with effects and arranging brass.
With 8+ years experience in music production, I offer full ghost tracks and mixing services to take your tracks to a high professional level. I've produced tracks that have been released by Spinnin' Records, Sonny, Endless Music, HUB Records and many others. In addition, I've had tracks played on radio stations and by the best DJs in the world.
Recent Successes
"Summer is simply amazing! Her vocals were perfect for the song I needed. "
"We just Natalie's voice for one of our upcoming tracks and the results are very very positiv. She also delivered on time and the workflow was flawless! Top artist, top professional!"
"Very professional and very patient. I didn't know how to send my files and they helped me all the way. Our tracks came out just how we wanted them."
"I'm very satisfied as always Thank you and stay safe."
"Stevie is an incredible musician, he has it all and can play it all. Not only is he amazingly talented, but a great person to work with as well. He gives top notch performances. He's fast and articulate on what to cre..."
"If you're looking for top-notch, authentic country vocals, Mason is as good as it gets. He's a gifted vocalist with a natural instinct for what the song requires. His vocals are rich, emotional, and bring a true story..."
"Austin is great. My producer and I asked him to add an electric guitar part to a track that is already 95% complete. He easily found an available "lane" that added nice value to the song without detracting from what w..."
"Bruno recorded a cello for my tune and did an amazing job! He was very fast and clear in communication and the track was very well played and recorded. I definitely recommend him and will hire him again"
"Great work"