Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vaughn Gosine
As a passionate and multi-genre session vocalist with hundreds of online 5-star reviews and over 20 years of vocal experience, I truly love collaborating with musicians worldwide helping bring their music to life with an incredible vocal performance. I will give everything I can to exceed your expectations!
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Let me help bring your music to life.
Making good tracks sound great.
Hi! I'm a producer based in Los Angeles. I specialize in R&B and Pop. I've traveled the world for over 10 years playing with several major artists. Along the way I discovered that I have a knack for helping other artists achieve their vision for their music.
I'm open minded for anything musical. I'm dependable, professional and a quick study.
Hi, my name is Michael Gatch. I have spent the last 12 years working as a professional Audio Engineer and Musician. I've worked with a variety of artist and I would love to work with you. Contact me with details of your needs and the needs of your music. I will do everything I can to help you have a professional and polished product.
Session/live drummer with over 25 years of experience and will provide you with a usable take every time. Toured with Larkin Poe, Lauren Morrow, the Emerald Empire band, and others.
make music more then 20 yens
Transform your music with professional mixing and mastering! As a skilled sound engineer and lead vocalist of Bloekom Brandt Band, I bring a unique artist's touch to every project. Using industry-standard tools, I ensure your tracks are polished, balanced, and ready for any platform. Let's collaborate and make your music shine. Satisfaction guarant
Recent Successes
"Woah! This is a seriously talented songwriter! Ridiculously awesome! What Jay provides is top-notch quality lyrics that fit the song perfectly. I will definitely be working with Jay for my future projects. Jay Parish ..."
"Justin was very helpful and responsive, nailed it on the first take delivered for what I was wanting. Highly recommend Justin for your needs !!!"
"Great producer! He really takes care of all of your doubts and will work with you."
"This was my third time working with Austin, and as always, he is an absolute genius and pleasure to work with. Amazing quality, understanding, and truly an all-around pro! "
"Reed is the man, he's got a great feel for a song and knows just how to make the tune come to life with emotion and tasteful work. Thanks Reed!"
"I enjoyed working with TJ. Top quality work, and he is very patient and detailed and knows how to make a track shine. I will definitely be getting more tracks mixed by him. "
"Working with Matt is always fantastic and seamless. He's quick to communicate, understands what the songs need, and most importantly the work sounds amazing. I'm a comeback customer and will be again."
"Claudia was truly great to work with. She listened to my thoughts on the vibe I was aiming for my song and nailed it making the idea come to life. I would like to highlight her skills with vocal mixes and creating sto..."
"Martin delivered. From the moment I heard his voice I knew he was the one for this song. Not only did he lay down a great vocal but he added to it making it even better. I would work with Martin again any day...and lo..."