Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Valentina Frizza
Mixing and Mastering Engineer based in Montevideo, Uruguay. I have over 4 years of experience working with Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop and Trap artists from all around the world.
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I'm a freelance home studio owner that can take your recordings into a beautifully mixed & mastered song for low rates and total satisfaction guarantee or do full or partial instrumental productions for you.
Hi, I’m Eline! A very experienced vocalist, known for my unique, versatile & warm vocals. With over 15 years of experience in the music industry, an online following of over 1 million subscribers, and 150+ millions of views, I’ve had the opportunity to lend my voice to numerous TV commercials, movies, and games.
Lets create something- Writing songs and improvising guitars parts
Greetings I am Ma’an Judah, a Reggae keyboardist for about 20 years. A trendsetter who is creative in every aspect. Can quickly identify a hit or miss. Innovative in making lyrics shine. Adding spice and sauce to a potential track. I am also a DJ, producer, composer, songwriter, and proficient in mixing.
Young canadian artist/Singer/Songwriter, From Hamilton Ontario (905)
I am a vocalist who has sung all over the country before speaking engagements to set the tone. I love to color a song with emotions, unique singing style/version of a song and with unbridled passion. If I am hired to release a vocal expect a smooth, different interpretation and a song that is completely made my own.
I'm a youtube famous cover singer and have sang lead on two Billboard top ten dance chart hits. I've also done extensive demo work for legendary producer David Foster.
Creating Powerful-Polished-Modern mixes for headbangers and punkrockers since 2014. You've got the talent, I've got the tools to make your music sound how it deserves!!!
Recent Successes
"Surely there is a strong reason about his abilities that artists like Taylor Swift , Maroon 5 , One republic , Ariana Grande and others have worked with him.He is Awesome...! Great..! "
"This guy Lew ... well... what can i say... great mixing engineer. Really easy and great to work with. Took my song and elevated it to the next level. Not sure it would be where it is without his input and dedication t..."
"This is HOW much I trust Andres and Team Andres at this point, sending them bulk work - Andres just finished three remasters for us, pulled them into the 21st century GREAT JOB as always. I don't understand how produ..."
"Knvwn is always a pleasure to work with! She blows any project of mine out of the water and always exceeds my expectations!"
"Ivan was one of the most attentive and timely collaborators I've ever had on SoundBetter, and he did a great job tuning my vocals. He wastes no time, is prompt in his response, and quick to make any and all changes, a..."
"Very talented girl! :)"
"I could rename "the Tall Place" as "the Lovely Place" because I thoroughly enjoyed spending a recording day there. The work is very serious and professional. The various preliminary exchanges with Tim and Simon helped..."