Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vager
For me, it's essential to maintain the high quality of sound that already exists in the audio and music industry, whilst also keeping the emotional values of music, which is what connects a project to its audience.
I will design the right sound and feel for each song, making it loud, clear and iconic. Im a profesional audio engineer with 7+ Years of experience and worked on 500+ tracks. Now i´m focused on my passion: Mastering! I love taking tracks to their ultimate expression and getting involved on projects.
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The primary objective of our company is to provide world class music production services for our clients. The studio has been involved in producing music for various brands, indie artists and film makers.
We will make you a modern song that will quickly catch the attention of listeners.
Melodies, Singing, Lyrics / https://soundcloud.com/nicocapeneci / New into it but I think I can make only hits!
I'm a 16 year old bedroom music producer in Jacksonville, Florida. I work on trap and hip-hop beats.
Certified bilingual Vocalist & Songwriter with a dual-degree and 7+ years of professional experience! Dutch & English - Pop, Soul, R&B, Hiphop, Rock, Musical, EDM, House, Cinematic, K-Pop
Experience with Hip Hop & EDM. Mixing & Mastering.
Kenya music producer Drill,hip-hop,bongo
Latino Producer with experience in Reggaeton, Hip Hop and warm sounds with a lot of flavor! I have what you are looking for, write me for personal attention.
Recent Successes
"Austin is amazing! He responds quickly with updates on the project, and his work is nothing short of stellar. If you want a professional to take your track to the next level, Austin is your guy."
"Eileen did an amazing job, as always! Her voice is amazing and she is very easy to work with and will meet your deadline every time!"
"Chad is as advertised. HUGE sound very reminiscent of Mike Dean. im so thankful I chose him for this project."
"I am again, so impressed with Nate’s musicality and efficiency! This is one of my favorite projects he has done! Can’t wait for the next one! "
"Nicki is a very quality musician and person to work with. "
"we rocked it !!!!!"
"This is a god among men a legend among legends. He's just absolutely amazing and don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise. He's the one to count on."
"Great communication, feedback and ideas all the way through the process with Leandro…really gave it all 100%…..which resulted in an excellent final product. Will be back for more."
"Easy to work with, straightforward and good communication, Recommend !"
"My pleasure working with him again "