Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with V BARRS
"Unlock Your Sonic Potential with V BARRS: 🎧 Producer | 🎚️ Mixing & Mastering Engineer | 📝 Songwriter | 👻 Ghost Producer | Composer Elevate your music to new heights with a one-stop solution. I bring your vision to life, ensuring every beat, note, and lyric resonates with perfection. Let's craft a masterpiece together! 🎵✨ #VBARRSProductions"
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Recording Engineer, Mixer and Post-Producer, AES member.
I'm a singer/songwriter with 10+ years working in the music industry. I've been a session singer and writer for several successful pop artists. I have been able to work with Mark Batson (Beyonce, Alicia Keys), Ambience (Tinashe), Chris Garcia (Celine Dion, Jojo), Carl Ryden (The Saturdays), Xenomania, The Jam, etc.
Homo faber fortunae suae est
Beats, Recording, Mixing, Mastering
"The Greatest Result without busting the bank"
I'm a producer Or Beat Maker 5 years production experience. specializing in Hip-Hop & Chill.
A decade of experience behind synthesizers, drums, and hard hitting bass. Brian Carncross is the lead producer behind CapSoulz. His solo project is Oracle Ball. He has experience producing in a variety of genres from all genres of Electronic Dance Music, Hip Hop, Soundtrack, Hybrid, R&B, and the list goes on.
Billboard award winning producer of 20+ years, credits include The Story So Far, Defeater, Counterparts, Citizen, State Champs, Transit, BANE, Title Fight.
Recent Successes
"I'm very pleased with Tiffany's professional work. She is a very unique and highly talented writer and singer. She works very fast and very professional. I def. want to work with her again! Recommended!"
"My finished tracks all sound amazing. My project was completed very quickly and delivered several days sooner than I expected. The price was also more than fair. I will be coming back for all of my future projects "
"Bryan killed it on these guitar parts! Very helpful and patient with some long-winded instructions/ideas and the end product was exactly what I needed. Excellent communication throughout the process, thank you Bryan. "
"Reliable, fast and efficient, Giancarlo understands quickly and well what we want. Thanks to him. See you soon"
"I couldn't recommend Daramola more. Amazing melodies, great attention to detail and a knack for turning something basic into something spectacular. He took a blank canvas of mine and turned it into a masterpiece! Dud..."
"Was very patient and willing to listen the whole step of the way! Also created a wonderful masterpiece for me."
"Mr Marcelo is the best. Great Personality and Steady. Always on time, Accurate and professional. Work with him and you will be at peace."
"I really like Zeff's style on the piano! Supreme quality and took his time coming up with an amazing piano part. High quality Professionalism!"
"What can I say... another track mastered to perfection. Highly recommended."
"Giancarlo does an amazing job every time. I always enjoy having him mix my tracks."