Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with UNMI Label Group
Record Producer & Singer/Songwriter
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We can orchestrate, record, edit and mix your music. Even if you send us a track with guitar and vocals. We treat each project like it’s our own and work to create the best possible presentation for your song, without compromising.
Unique approaches to making records
I have a proffesional studio and I'm an award winning artist. I'm a member of the band BLK JKS and I've worked with many artists internationally. Book me for cheap prices for mixing and Mastering.
I studied music production at Westlake Recording Studios Cre8 Music Academy. With an open mind and pure dedication to every project I work on, I want to help bring your vision to a new level, whether that's with high-quality vocal comping and tuning, mixing and mastering, or lyrics.
With my voice I am able and happy to pour my heart n soul into your music.
Music Artist, and Song Writer.
I am an artist and songwriter based in Atlanta, Georgia. Confident in different genres. Affordable pricing, open to creative group sessions.
Music producer, sound engineer and multi-instrumentalist with 11 years of experience. I specialize in alternative, rock and pop music. Graduated a BA Academy of Journalism and Sound Editing in Warsaw. Featured music in MTV Rocks, Eska TV and lots of Polish radios.
Recent Successes
"Very polite and professional. Highly recommend. "
"She tried her best for me. And her voice fits in my project perfectly. The BEST!!!!"
" Leandro is so easy to work with and always concerned that what he has delivered is just what you want. Although mostly the first time is great it’s nice to know that anything you want in no problem. Oh yes, and so p..."
"Amazing bass player! He gave me the coolest sound and great ideas with nice and attentive communications, all things helped me a lot! It was a real pleasure to work with him. Thank you Martin, I can't wait to work w..."
"Danielle was very professional. She responded to all the requirements of the work, in a very short time and with great quality. She knew how to understand and respond to the brief perfectly and I would be ready to w..."
"Amazing work. The attention and application of notes I had on individual songs was impressive to say the least. Communication was great too even with the time difference. I have worked with many engineers and this was..."
"He's great, what a way to get along with the music and understand your needs, excellent quality in his work, he manages to easily flow through your ideas and can handle it in a unique way, I will definitely work with ..."
"4th or 5th with this brother in music,,, A professional who will deliver ,because he cares about bringing your vision to life...It's in his DNA , "