Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with UNMI Records
Record Producer & Singer/Songwriter
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Get custom, professionally-made instrument tracks for your songs reliably and affordably.
I specialize in music production, mixing, and sound design for artists, advertising and beyond. My expertise and experience allow me to craft audio that exceeds expectations and bring any project to life.
Hi! I'm YOHAN! I'm a Singer/Songwriter, Topliner and Creative Director/Producer. I go from Pop to Rock, Dance to Disco, Brazilian Funk to Electronic! Always open for great new MUSIC! Let's get to work! English, Portuguese, Spanish & Japanese. More about me: bio.site/YOHAN
Helping you express yourself through your music with my mixing and vocal tuning skills.
- Hello I'm a ghost producer and audio engineer, my contact with music brings me a lot of views like +500K on youtube, Spotify and another plataforms. If you want a music for the international cenary. I'm the right guy.
Hi, I'm Mauro! I'm a music producer with an experience of 15 years. I play (professionally) the Guitar, and also I play the piano and some strings folk instruments. I love composing songs and soundtracks (especially contemporary, minimalist music ) and almost every music genre! I will compose an original piece of music for your Film, Tv, Game.
Composition, orchestration and arrangements.
Experienced Session Guitarist/Bassist of Over 15 Years and Audio Engineer of 10 Years Ready to Elevate Your Music. I have written songs with millions of plays as well as recorded and produced bands from across the world, From Russia to France to Austraila, USA & more. Lets Create and Innovate Your Music To a Professional Standard Together.
Recent Successes
"Extremely talented, extremely professional, and easy to work with. Highly recommend if you're looking for anything in the domain of production. Lastly, the communication and punctuality on his end just makes the entir..."
"J. Nicole is so great. The song I sent her was one I wrote several years ago and put to a new beat. Over the years I've had other artists try to sing the song and they blew it, even with lots of practice. But J. Nicol..."
"Scott brought another great performance to the table for me. My ideas on this were a little more free form, and he was able to pull them together for me. His willingness to experiment with the raw materials was a grea..."
"Absolutely fantastic work!!! He knew exactly how to bring the best out of our project without any directives. We’re thoroughly impressed and look forward to working with him on the next project."
"It was great working with such a professional as Tom."
"Just brilliant. A true alchemist - Mike is able to take my vague instructions and incoherent ideas and turn them into pure gold. You will not find better. "
"Once again, Ashley KNOCKS MY SOCKS OFF!"
"I sent over 2 albums (21 songs) for Roy to mix. He did a great job taking on some particularly tricky songs (with lots of parts, string sections, etc.) and applying my very specific feedback, and the results of the mi..."