Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ultraman Rising
Music Mixing for Film, Television, & Games. — Scoring Mixer: Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, Ultraman Rising, Soul of the Ultimate Nation, Super Giant Robot Brothers, Kimana Tuskers, Human Traces, 2009 Lost Memories, Puppet Killer — Supervising Music Editor: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King & The Hobbit Trilogy
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Every song has the potential to be great. I can bring out the best qualities in your music for a PLATINUM Sound, Guaranteed
Meditating on what comes next and who cares about it.
Beatport Top 20 Charts (Ghostproduction), Good Mixing experience,, Fully Capable Mastering and Mixing Engineer, Good for remixes or producing song for every electronic genre(House,Tech House,Techno,Deep House)and all pop genres, Certified Vocal Producing Degree , Bachelor Degree At Producing and Mixing.
Lets Create Music & History I'm a Artist Myself, Been In Front The Scenes & Behind . Songs & Melodies is Very Easy For Me Quick Writer and Creator. We Can Video Call + Voice Note etc. Love Hearing The Artist Voice & Vision To The Type of Music and Songs They Want To Create. New To Sound Better But When It Comes To This Music Creative & Passionate
GotoAssignmenthelp is the proficient academic writing service holding a resourceful team of more than 3,000 assignment tutors
Creating music that truly connects and holds the listener's attention is what I'm all about. As a lifelong musician and trained engineer, I'm excited to team up with you to elevate your project and get to its essence. Let's work together to unlock its fullest potential.
I am a passionate Passionate deep house music Producer and Composer. with various releases on LastForeverRecords, Closer To Truth, Moulton Music and more reaching Traxsource and Beatport top 100 and various Dj Charts. I can provide various deep house beats and instrumental tracks.
I am intensely focused on serving the song, giving it exactly what it is calling for and making it truly shine.
Recent Successes
"Larry is a true professional. He is an extremely knowledgable and skilled percussionist whom I highly recommend. Additionally, he was very patient and took the time to educate me and introduce me to various per..."
"Michael was a true professional; he kept in solid contact throughout the task, fully understood what was required and delivered stunning vocals... in the fastest time I've ever known! He has such great skills he naile..."
"Kelii turned a very basic idea into an amazing song which exceeded my expectations by far. She has written great melodies as well as beautiful and emotional lyrics. Great communication and wonderful performance."
"I love working with Cyril! He brought my vision to reality and he was so patient and professional. He definitely made my song sound better! I highly recommend him for those who want to level up their sounds! I will d..."
"It is very fitting his name is Steele because just like Superman Zach always gets the job done! He is the Lebron James of the mixing world! He will work with you to make sure your mix is lively, professional, and soun..."
"As usual Aaron is awesome to work with. He is very professional & definitely brings my records to life. He always has great feedback as well on how to get my record ready to be mastered. I highly recommend him!!!"
"Jeff was great. Professional, friendly, and great at what he does. Put up with Pandemic woes like a champ, and I couldn't be more appreciative of his time with how long it took us (me) to get things wrapped up. Thanks..."
"Michael was so great to work with! Super responsive and professional - highly recommend! "
"Mike did some time edits for me, the communication was clear and stems lined up nicely so thanks Mike "