Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ultra-Violence
Hi, I'm Loris Castiglia, I've been writing music for the last 15 years of my life.
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André Melges is a brazilian mixing recording engineer that works understanding the artist intention and translate it to a final song that other people fell and share with others.
Hello world! My name is Chevi Taylor I specialize in demos, commercials, radio ads, jingles and writing. I have my own studio as well so I can record for you no matter your location! 150 per song
I am a 25 year old vocalist from the Boston area with many years of experience. I recently sang a 20 minute spot in front of 25,000 people and I'm currently working on my debut album. I have about 10-15 radio stations globally playing my debut single "Owe It To You".
Absolute Guitar Nerd. Recorded over 30+ albums.
Songwriter, recording artist, arranger and producer.
I make records in LALLANA STUDIO and I play guitars and pedal steel.
Service Type: Arrival, departure or transfer quickly and easily with our VIP Concierge service.
Elevating cinematic experiences through the art of sound.
Recent Successes
"I hired Greg to rework some covers I had been working on to give them more nuance and space in the recording in preparation for an original album I'm working on. Greg was very communicative and took feedback very well..."
"Definitely reaching out to Abi for any future projects. Great quality."
"What can I say? Don't think I've ever had such little feedback for a mix. Because it was that good! Chris is a true professional and I'm extremely happy with the result. "
"7th song mastered by Camilo. Another masterpiece. Great gears are going so far unless you get someone like Camilo who has the ears and the experience to go with them. I'm on my way to a full album with Camilo. He deli..."
"Adam Brookes delivered a fantastic remix that was so good it gave me chills. His sparkling, energetic rendition breathed new life into the tune while still honoring the original. I'd highly recommend working with Adam..."
"Great artist, great Voice... Very talented Guy!"
"I want to work with the best. That's why I always ask CaiNo first. Just amazing from start to finish. BIG respect !"
"John added exactly what was needed to bring the track to life. This is our 2nd project together and couldn't be more pleased! Quick turnaround and very professional. "