Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tyler Adams
Never settle for a mix or master you don't love. With me, you don't have to.
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Howdy from Texas! Animal Kingdom Recordings is here to give you the mix you've been looking for. We have over 10 years of experience recording, producing, mixing, and mastering tracks for commercial use.
Hello My name is Nwoye I've been creating lyrics and melodies my entire life but professionally four years.
Jemma Louis was born in Sydney Australia and gave her first solo performance at age 5. She has performed across the world from Australia to LA, China, Puerto Rico, New York and the Caribbean. She's focused on writing, recording and self producing music of all genre's across the board.
I'm a professional singer based in Colombia - South America. I´m specialized in Latin rhythms. I have acces to a proffesional studio with nice vocal microphone and fancy preamps.
Sound engineering university background student who has many years experience in mixing, making sound for games and animations, music production and post production. Currently working in Estonia sound rental company as mixing engineer/stagehand/monitor mixing engineer.
All the way from Buenos Aires to your recording studio, my main priority is to make it groove!
Mix.Engineer with over 600 major label credits. Currently working at Larrabee Studios as Manny Marroquin’s Mix Assistant.
With 10+ years of experience as an African music producer and beatmaker, I've worked with artists such as Bobi Wine, A Pass, Navio, Irene Ntale etc, and of my most recent projects - a soundtrack to Bobi Wine The People's President Documentary which was released by National Geographic and nominated for BAFTAs and Oscars among other awards.
Recent Successes
"If you want awesome vocals, then I highly recommend booking Holly for your next project. You'll be so glad you did! Thanks so much Holly."
"in every way the best"
"Chuck did some wonderful and magical drums on a track the means a lot to me. He made the drums sing, groovy, flowing, dirty...he can do any color you like. Such a joy to work with Chuck."
"had to get this song mastered on a really short notice but alex is the quickest and most reliable engineer i know - the song is super tight and crisp now! can definitely compete with all the other songs on the streami..."
"The talent level speaker for itself. She’s amazing and it shows. However, she’s the nicest person on sound better. Which was a plus. That said, she can flat out sing and write. My track is in my head is now a reality! "
"Hugely talented. Really professional, very flexible and understanding. This is massive coming from me because I know i can be quite difficult at times to work with. Thanks so much John."
"This is your "Guy"! tried also working with "grammy" winners on the same song, but Guy was doing much better work. thank you Guy!"