Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with twakdude
Quality is king. If you need that final touch to make your dream a reality join us for the ride. We specialize in all listed above. Credits can speak volumes but results speak louder. Is it just a dream or you want it to be your reality?
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I trained with Grammy Award winning classical engineer Tony Faulkner, a continuing influence and mentor.
Do you need music work done? I specialize in Mixing your work and label ready. Feel free to contact me @ estr.den@gmail.com
A Unique Sound
Signed self-producing artist. Mixing, mastering, engineering, and multi-instrument session musician. I can take you from your idea to a polished radio ready track.
Mixed several #1 albums mixed here. Main clients include Nena, Schiller and The Kelly Family. Lots of experience in 5.1 and Dolby Atmos mixes.
I'd like to put my vocals on your song !
I will sing the most powerful vocals you can imagine.
I am an independent producer looking to expand within this area, creating custom productions for my clients.
Recent Successes
"Pleasure to talk with and work with! Looking forward to another write. "
"Leo worked on a demo track I had and it was an amazing experience. He really took the track to a different level and I can tell he worked very carefully on it. He always replied promptly and was really easy to work wi..."
"John is very knowledgeable on the music industry, and music from a technical side; and holistically! Gave me Clarity on my creative Journey here as a young artist and writer thank you very much for your help John :-)"
"Once again, Brandon absolutely elevated our latest project to the next level. Really really talented. Do you self a big favor and work with him. A fantastic artist!!!!!! "
"What can I say? Another beautiful part for my piano piece. Maria intuitively gives the part just what it needs, never over or under played. She delivered the part on time and an excellent recording."
"Great singer and songwriter, quick to respond, implements requests and visions."
"The best sounding vocalist I have found on here. Worth it for the results"
"Working with Killian is amazing! I have been writing and making music for a long time with many producers. Killian is at the top of the industry and has had a great impact on my modern sound. Highly recommend."