Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with True.
Worked on many indie, hip hop, rnb and pop tracks with local artists. 4 years of running a recording studio and mixing for clientele (many of which are in released). Cheap price and solid turn around time with a friendly way of getting things done.
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Music Producer ; Songwriter, Vocalist, Audio Mixing and Mastering & Hip Hop and Tropical Carribean Beatmaking
Eclectic Mixing and Mastering Engineer located in Richmond, VA. Having mixed over 2000 songs, with more than 5 million plays, my intense love for music drives me to leave my mark on every project I come across. Let's make a record.
World touring rock artist turned producer. Focusing on quality of work in my projects, not money. Looking to take highly artistic projects with limited budgets and make magic.
TapIn eCommerce & Local Delivery Services
Brand new recording studio in Milwaukee, WI, offering 3 full-time engineers working on your project, for the price of one. Let's make some magic.
5 years experience as a lyricist. Modern and unique outlook
Looking to take your music to the next level? my music production and audio engineering service is here to help. With 8 years of experience in the industry, my expertise can help you create the perfect sound for your project, from beat production, mixing to mastering and post-production.
Recent Successes
"Thank you, Jules. Your talent, your artistry, your generosity of sprit, your patience, your attention to detail, your devotion, are all so inspiring, so beautiful, and so appreciated. Working with you has been a dream..."
"Elliott did a fantastic job on my song. He delivers quickly and has excellent skills. I will definitely return for future projects."
"Stephanie's beautiful voice is exactly what my track needed. She gave me perfectly smooth & elegant vocals to give my song that special touch. Would love to work with her again. "
"Megan created symphonic tracks of 6 violins and 3 violas to a song that was challenging both rhythmically and harmonically. Her expression and restraint in creating a blend of all tracks is astounding. The recording q..."
"Very professional and organized, fast turnaround, extremely great quality with no revisions needed - my standards were already high, but I was simply shocked by the quality. Highly recommend. "
" ZIV rocked the hell out of this song!! He blended the combination of a hard drive in the verse and a hopeful and inspiring chorus, so so cool!! Ziv is so versatile, there’s no box that holds his creativity, thus ..."
"Camilo always delivers man, and always fast with the reply to the comments and tweaks, love it! And will never change!"
"Angelo Was very helpful throughout the entire process. Kind, genuine, and a great person to work with that has many years of experience in this field! He does everything in a timely manner as well! 100% would recommen..."
"Quick and open to revisions, highly recommend"