Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ozai
Worked on many indie, hip hop, rnb and pop tracks with local artists. 4 years of running a recording studio and mixing for clientele (many of which are in released). Cheap price and solid turn around time with a friendly way of getting things done.
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Deraj Global is a Grammy nominated, platinum, producer & mixing engineer who has developed a reputation for having "that industry sound" that everyone is looking for.
Hi everyone, I'm a guitar player and audio engineer from SAE Institute México. I have experience in recording, mixing and mastering, I'd love to work in your projects and productions.
I can write, create vocal melodies specially if you have a instrumental and also record.
Been playing songs live and in the studio for the last 20 years.
Hello, I'm Eva. I'm a professional Jazz singer working from my Home Studio, in Germany, at the moment. I'm originally from Spain but I studied in the Roya Conservatory in Den Haag (NL). I'd love to help you adding vocals to your track or spicing it up with some harmonies. Music is my passion and I will always work in favor of what music demands.
Ask me what it really takes to get Billboard-Charting Songs. I am easy to reach thru a Video Call! My partner Luis will be responding to all of my messages to get us connected. ** To get an immediate response, please send a text message to Luis, my Account Administrator @ +1-657-390-0133 **
Founded with the motto of giving each of the artists tracks attention to sonic detail, making it release ready worldwide! Irrespective of your musical style and genre, your mix speaks! We’re here to listen and help optimise your tracks to sound their best across all playback systems and streaming platforms with over 400+ tracks experience.
Based in Paris and Valencia (Esp), this studio offers services on mix, additive production, musical composition, arrangements, digital mastering and advisory specialised in contemporary electronic music.
Recent Successes
"It is always a pleasure working with Nate. He is extremely talented, a great communicator, and very diligent when it comes to due dates and turn around time. Highly recommended."
"Great vocals, enthusiasm and super fun and easy to work with. Luna delivered quality recordings and performance in a really short period of time. Also gave some really helpful suggestions on levels and mix notes. "
"great talent as always"
"CaiNo keeps getting better and better each time. Great vocalist and he delivers quickly . He always does amazing work on my songs and I appreciate. Thanks so much for your time and talent."
"Life happens and sometimes workloads get heavy however Nate is always patience and uses his best judgment to create an outstanding track, that reflects the listener in their highest light! Another outstanding record c..."
"This was my first time working with Jae and she proved to be nothing short of phenomenal! Her soulfulness and talent are so apparent on the hook she did for me and I couldn't be happier. She was quick, professional, a..."
"It has been such a pleasure working with Richard over the past month. We have been working very hard on mixing a longer project, and he is excellent not only in his talents with mixing, but his professionalism and qua..."