Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trenom
Gelida here and I am a dj/producer who has mixed and mastered several tracks supported by the biggest names in the business such as David Guetta, Nicky Romero, Spinnin Records etc. If you want to take your track to the next level, I can definitely help you with that! What I can offer: - Mix - Mastering - Writing
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More providers:
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm a Mastering Engineer based in Melbourne, Australia.
Zach. From Long Island, residing in Brooklyn. Songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer and mixer looking to be a part of as much music as humanly possible, in any facet. I have worked with artists and producers signed to both major and indie labels providing production, session guitar work, vocal engineering as well as song-writing. Let's work!
Hi, I'm Brown Buddha (@buddha_meansbiz) & I'd love to help you tell your story. With over 10 years of professional experience in the NY arts scene, 3 years creating content for Amazon, spearheading over 7 full length albums - I have a great deal to offer you!
I've worked with a number of Grammy, Emmy and Dove award winning songwriters and producers.
Any style with a smile. :)
I love my keyboards
Authentic, raw, and powerful analog production and recording. Specializing in band recording. I recently graduated from Berklee College of Music with a degree in Production, Engineering and Business. I have just opened up my own boutique recording studio in Brooklyn, NY. You wont find a more dedicated producer for cheaper. Take a chance on me!
Sound engineer in a music production studio in Paris
Recent Successes
"I originally approached Jenny for a vocal sample. Her voice sounded great on the song, so we proceeded to record all the leads with her voice. The entire process was very smooth, and she only needed to revise one word..."
"He produced a song that I wrote and did the vocals. He made the song a thousand times better than I imagined, specially with the melody. The song came just perfect, I love it! He kept me updated about the project and ..."
"The best! Thank you so much for your help and amazing work."
"Tremendous job by Kevin on our project, taking an old 90s style piano ballad and completely re-working the production into a smooth modern-styled pop/dance production. He showed a tremendous ear and vision throughout..."
"Max is amazing, I worked with him on the entire album, he is very professional, talented and easy going which is important for me as I am very demanding and picky when it comes to my music. I am tremendously grateful ..."
"Jonas was incredibly easy to work with and sent back the stems I needed within 48 hours. The quality of the recordings are amazing and was a great experience working with him. "
"I had the pleasure of working with Brandon at Little Symphony Records on an album, and I highly recommend them! The mixes turned out great! Brandon has a very musical ear, enhancing the soundscape as well as the com..."
"Evan just finished a large project for me and managed to meet all of my deadlines without any trouble. Can't recommend his services enough"
"Tim has one of the best voices on this platform! You can feel the passion and conviction move through his singing. I hope to use his talents on future projects!"