Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dmsoke
I am an artist, I understand the process along with the technical side. Work with me and trust me and we will get the music you hear inside your head out right and delivered to the public.
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Hi, my name is Nathan Daniel. I'm a professional producer & engineer based in West Hollywood, CA. I have a hybrid (analog & digital) setup, great gear and have been a full time pro for over 15 years.
Experienced music producer, pianist and composer. Major in Music Composition at Higher Institute of Arts at Havana. Independent Producer and Sound Engineer at Recording and Musical Productions Enterprise (EGREM, Cuba)
I Have songs with artist Such as Heavy Hustla, O.T.G Youngin, and Gwaup a100ways. I'm a Hook master and am very Versatile with my work.
Brands such as Tesla, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz, Adidas, Omega, and top-charting artists have already chosen my services. If you're seeking exceptional quality and punctuality, DM me and I'll respond promptly. -World Guinness Record "Highest Dj Set on Land" -1st Place 2018 Puremix Mixing Contest Ryan Hewith / The Lumineers - Angela
I've been behind the scenes creating music for decades (since 1996). Music is my passion and my first love. I cater to rap, hip-hop-, r&b, and trap. Occasionally some pop as well.
Ganador de un Latin Grammy por la mezcla del Album “No se si es Baires o Madrid“ de Fito Paez.
eWritingPal is a pioneering academic writing service with a customer base comprising of thousands of students.
I specialize in working with independent artists to craft a sound uniquely your own, that captures your voice and tells your story. I've mixed and mastered records for songwriters, spoken word artists and producers from across Canada, helping them prepare their tracks for professional release.
Recent Successes
"Perfect! very like mix thx Mr.gerard "
"Yet another superb piece of playing !!! Marco really pushed his knowledge to the limits on this track 141 BPM with key changes everywhere !!! truly a master keyboard player.. THANK YOU AGAIN once again Marco jazzy"
"Adam was very accurate, quick, and professional. Also a super nice guy with a focus on getting your track exactly how you want it!"
"Jessie is AWESOME and never disappoints, meanwhile she´s funkin it up, bringing back the power to the people, giving us extraterrestrial brothas and sistas more bounce to the ounce, directly from the Mothership!!!"
"Always catches the right vibe, super efficient and professional. Always great to work with. Outstanding artist."
"Gabriele never dissapoints! "
"Working with James is always a pleasure. 10/10 as always."
"Listened my idea start to finish, we had so much fun in video chat, very nice person and would recommend to anyone who wants 10/10 service! Definitely will work again in future :)"
"It was a pleasure working with Mike R on our first project together. Mike R's Cello technique and tone were superb, his solo cello and multi-voice overlaying were beautifully balanced, and his knowledge of composing ..."
"Telalit was absolutely amazing. The performance, arrangement, expression she delivered was stunning! She took my half formed parts and vision and fully realized them beyond expectation. Being an engineer/producer who ..."