Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Toty Lou
Hello my name is Antonio Wayside. I'm in audio engineer based from southern Maryland with over 3+ years of professional experience with major labels including (Atlantic, Sony Music, & Roc Nation) and 6+ years of recording independent artists. I'm here to help you reach a consistent sonic quality for release and a competitive edge in the industry.
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I'm a french sound engineer. I have studied for 3 years in Paris at ISIS school. Now I do mixing and mastering for artists and film in my own mixing station. I work on Ep and Album with internationals artists.
I'm Skyler, a producer, guitarist, and mix engineer based out of Los Angeles, California!
Specialized in Hip Hop, Trap and R&B production. Over 30K instrumentals licensed & sold to artists in 45 different countries. Provided samples and compositions for Eminem, Jeezy, Russ, Joey Bada$$, H.E.R, Jhené Aiko, Kehlani, Tory Lanez, Eric Bellinger, Ty Dolla $ign, King Combs and many more. 15+ years of experience.
Working as a sound engineer since 2012, Patrick has worked with established artists (Yxng Bane, Abra Cadabra, Siah, Scott Robinson, Paul Young…).
Gold-Selling music producer, Berklee College of Music graduate, versatile audio manipulator. Working in a multitude of genres, ARKTKT has the experience and know-how to take your project to the next level. Notable credits include; Fetty Wap, YBN: The Mixtape, YBN Almighty J, Bridget Kelly, Nikolija, !llmind, Timbaland and more.
Session cellist, producer, composer and arranger.
Verse/Hook, Song, Video, Name It, We Deliver!
Recent Successes
"Very patient and professional. Very talented would recommend will use again "
"Mr. Mig always does an excellent job mastering my music. I listen to the original version of my song side by side with his boosted master version and he makes it sound so much better. The levels are so much better. Th..."
"At first I had my doubts considering I never sent my tracks to be mastered online but I’m glad I did. For the price I payed I feel it was worth it. My sh*t sounds clear and clean! But future reference plan ahead from ..."
"My second time working with Camilo. This has to be the quickest guy I have ever worked with. The turnaround time and quality he brings to a track is amazing. The only person I trust with my mastering! "
"Charles is simply LEGENDARY. I reached out to him to score a short film that I was putting together, and he created a track that was absolutely PERFECT. I can't recommend him enough. Easily the most talented musical p..."
"he’s the best. Alex is the man super chill dude and gifted producer. "
"Francisco has tremendous feeling when he plays the trumpet. He connects with the spirit of the song and channels a creativity that helps to make the music excellent and attention grabbing. He has a great ear and keen ..."
"Once again, João has outdone himself and brought a marvelous style and artistry to my song by playing acoustic, electric, bass, and ukulele. This one was interesting because we needed to make some revisions, as I didn..."