Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray)
Drummer, vocalist, producer, & creative for New England based country singer/songwriter Samantha Rae (SamanthaRae.com). Founding partner and manager of Country Women Cancer Fund
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post-production mix mastering 80's hc / post-punk / experimental / folk
I create music to create feelings. Long Live Hip Hop.
Need a song produced right? Want a squeaky clean mix with crystal clear vocals? Contact me. You'll be glad you did!
Trap singer
Diego Gallego, productor musical e ingeniero de sonido, propietario de los estudios de grabación "Sincro Media Music"
Our writers have experience in dealing with papers of every educational level. You can surely rely on the expertise of our qualified professionals.
Let me help you bring your musical vision to life! With the use of a professional engineer your music will be distribution ready!
I will help you design your own unique, one of the kind Darkwave song.
Recent Successes
"Kate really took our track to the next level. Really easy to work with!"
"The song came out as I expected! Had no complaints about the mixing or mastering and only took him sending one version for me to like it. I also like his rushed delivery option! If his schedule is to busy you should o..."
"As always, Kristin delivers beautiful tracks that are perfect! I'm so glad Kristin is a part of this platform. She a true professional, really nice and a great player!"
"Michael has a gift. Not only for piano but for music as a whole. The pleasure to collaborate is immense. A fantastic producer!"
"Professional, helpful, and talented. Great engineer to work with, and excellent communication throughout the process. I'm happy with the finished product, and would work with Marcin again in the future."
"I asked Todd to sing the vocal line for one of my latest jingles and the result was excellent. He was attentive to feedback and quick to deliver. Would definitely recommend him"