Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Natural Born Killas
Highly skilled yet inexpensive Mix engineer and Producer / Fast turnaround time / Revision friendly / Specialty skills in advanced vocal layering and FX / Taught seminars in mixing at Universities / Worked with countless artists in advancing their sound professionally
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I am an award winning Toronto based recording/mixing/mastering engineer and Producer with a passion for Music. In 2002 I started working for Warner Brothers Hungary as an in-house engineer/Producer on wide range of A-list Hungarian artists where I developed a good sense in crafting radio ready mixes.
Music Composer, Programmer, Sound Engineer
Here comes the next level musex experience. Better put that calculator away and get access to a unique collection of musex by ZappX now. Simply more than music - musex! *oh yeah*
if you want that emotion and compassion to show through your songs and need a singer to do it, look no further, I can easily match the gravity of whatever you need from hooks to verses, ghostly backgrounds to euphoric melodies, i'm your guy, there is no genre that cant be tackled
It is not only recording songs, it is about recording the story!
*Over 42.000.000 streams and counting** Coming from a sunny town in Greece, Drips Zacheer is an Audio Engineer & Music Producer specialised in HipHop/Rnb. He has been trusted to mix and master various projects from artists around the world, providing customer satisfaction via his aesthetic & knowledge.
Don't run, just fly !
I am a music producer with an edgy sound. I will make your music pop but with something interesting.
Recent Successes
"Simms is a vocalist extraordinaire! He just delivered yet another powerful and impassioned vocal performance that was way beyond my expectation! Simms will not make your track SoundBetter, Simms will make your track S..."
"I highly recommend Hugo! He is super talented and very professional. He completed the project really quick and gave me a lot options to choose from. Looking forward to working with him in the future!"
"Epic engineer. My original track had a lot of parts and mid-range to bass-range complexity. Art's processes and skills really lifted the mix width, depth and punch. The final presentation quality of this track is only..."
"Legit snack. 10/10 Would Bang. Went far beyond what I expected and nailed it. Amazing. Totally professional. Hire this guy!"
"J.O.Y nailed the track I had sent to him perfectly. His voice is unique and he knows exactly what he is doing in terms of doing harmonies and more. I would definitely work with him again"
"John is simply an amazing talent, and I'm so happy to be working with him on this project! Looking forward to more of this next month!"
"Once again, great mix. John put the song where we wanted. This song was different from the first two, and he still manage to do a great mix. "
"thanks so much! was a pleasure looking forward to doing another one w greg! "