Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Top-Liner
Melody catcher. Electronic Explorative Pop.
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M. Bento is an award winning writer/producer/top-liner published by Sony ATV/EMI & Audio Network (Otherway Records) ... Can work from anywhere in the world and studio is available upon request (UK only)
I am a Nashville based Singer-songwriter, top-liner, and producer. I am extremely versatile in my writing and vocal ability. I'm comfortable working in a variety of genres and have had my writing and vocals featured on songs signed by labels such as Frequency and Sirup. I draw a lot of my musical influence from Pop, Hip-Hop, and Rock.
Hey there. I'm a Singer-Songwriter, Top-liner, Vocalist, Artist, and Producer, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I have over 17 years experience and have penned hundreds of songs and won several local songwriting competitions. I work in multiple genres and enjoy blending genres. I write and come up with ideas quickly, and enjoy collaborating.
Experienced and dynamic rapper (any genre), songwriter, and top-liner with over 15+ years in the music industry. Most recently worked with Capcom on the official Pro Tour theme song titled “Legend” for Street Fighter 6. Also, working with some of your favorite brands such as Pepsi, Netflix, Oxygen, Disney, and many more!
I have pleased clients in just about every genre, be it as a writer, guitarist, top-liner or engineer. I’ve worked for every kind of human there is- friendly, disgruntled, guarded, etc.- and everyone’s come away happy.
Cuts with Steve Aoki, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Blasterjaxx, Dastic. Responsible for millions of plays, and you could have the same voice or songwriting on your record. Or do you want that special Noah Avery sauce over your productions, hit me up!
Soulful and distinct vocalist with 5+ years of professional session work as a lead and backup vocalist, writer, top-liner and guitarist. I also engineer and play piano and bass.
Are you looking for a songwriter, lyricist, or a top-liner? Let's work together!
Recent Successes
"Great voice & can manage challenging beats! I did not give a very clear description cuz I didn't know exactly what to do with the melody, but he made a good song out of it. Quick response and not to mention the patien..."
"Great producer and very helpful. Recommended!"
"This is my second (and consecutive) time working with Varti. He is, by all means, a professional. Varti will patiently describe and outline in fine detail every step he takes with a master and goes further by providin..."
"Ryan is the most dedicated music producer I have ever worked with! The quality of his work exceeds my expectations every time. His service is amazing, and he really brings my songs to life. He is very efficient and wo..."
"Fantastic work as always - the masters turned out amazing 10/10 recommendation working with Andres! Will have more work for him in the future! "
"Great job with low end! More clarity too, loud and clear :) Good job!"
"I needed help with mastering for an 80s style dance track and I couldn't be happier with the results from John. The tracks sound amazing and I'm so happy they're ready for release now. Thanks for all your help John...."
"Zach laid down some killer electric guitar tracks. His ability to make the slide sing is amazing. Adds soo much life to every song. "