Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jenny Baker
SONGWRITER / TOP-LINER / VOCALIST Songwriter (Pop, Country, Indie) and Vocalist. (Curated over 1 million streams from cuts as a songwriter) (Studied as a voice principal at Berklee College of Music)
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I create dynamic soundscapes with traditional 4 piece band instruments. I play guitar bass drums and keyboard. I also have a full production studio in my house where I am able write and record songs, sound bites, jingles, audio engineering, and audio editing.
My name is Zefan. A Music Producer. I started producing music since 2006, have done a lot of projects in producing music for artists, media, and live orchestra performance. If you are looking beautiful orchestra ballad, magical Disney, K-pop, and C-Pop or Black Gospel style production you should check out my 2019 Demo reel.
I'm a musician, producer and mixing engineer from Venice, Italy working with major labels such as Universal Music Group.
Hi! My name is Ricardo Barros and I'm a music producer and mixing engineer from Lisbon, the vibrant portuguese capital. I am obsessed with sound. My goal is to help every artist I come in contact with develop their sound, so hit me up!
I am a multi-versed songwriter with a strong foundation in Afrobeat, soul, and pop. I have written for a good number of artists with a great catalogue to show for it.
I make music, a lot of music 4 everyone ‼
Hello Everyone!, I am a full time music producer with over six years of professional experience as a part of OXYGN music production duo. My credits includes artists like Ginge, Joe Killington, Johnny Burgos, Tyler Sjostrom, Marissa. I worked with independent artists as well as with publishers like Universal Music Poland and Warner Chapel.
Versatile music producer with over 9 years of experience. Passionate about my craft. Guarantee quality, progress samples, and on-time delivery Listo para adaptarme Productor musical versátil con experiencia en diversos géneros, mas de 9 años de experiencia. Amante de mi trabajo. Garantizo calidad, muestras de trabajo y cumplimiento de plazos.
Recent Successes
"3rd time around with Danny! This time I had him mix and master my entire EP in a very short amount of time. He delivered it on time with all of my expectations exceeded! Quick responses, quick turnaround, and most imp..."
"Well done!!!"
"excellent communication, and super fast turn around. He has beautiful tone. So happy!"
"Michael is incredible!! so talented and so quick to reply and answer all my questions/ concerns!! Im excited to continue working with him. 10/10 would recommend."
"worked on a a few more songs, made tracks and overall sound brutal and unique. Very easy to work with and goes above and beyond to make every detail work for you during the process."
"Thom did a wonderful job. He got the groove and the funk. My song sounds beyond my expectation. Thank you for a very nice work Thom. "
"Collaborating with Pol is very easy and the work is always outstanding and exactly as you want it. Can't recommend him highly enough."
"Great work and stays in line with the artist vision with great suggestions along the way. Easy and return in time was very efficient. Thanks again!"
"Elliot is awesome! Such a friendly, positive person with legitimate high-end mastering skills. So thankful to have worked with him on this, and excited to work on more in the future. "