Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tony L.A
I'll Get your Pop & urban projects to top tier sound. using the best and highest quality modern methods for producing and mixing your song. can also help with arrangements, composition and instruments recording. lets work together to get your project ready for your audience.
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Hi everyone! My name is Dennis, and I am from the city of Los Angeles, California. I've always had strong passion for music ever since I could remember. I am a Vocalist / Audio Engineer graduate at Musician's Institute. Here is some of my work on YouTube: Youtube.com/flippinthai
I love technology and music. A degree in Electronics Engineering From Thapar University, Patiala and another one in Audio Engineering from SAE, Oxford UK compile my academics. Specialities: Audio Production, Sound Designing, Music Composition, Deejaying, Management, Team building and collab, research.
Song writing and music arrangements
As and award-winning Producer and Engineer, I represent the ultimate hybrid between 'Creative' & 'Technical'. South Africa is uniquely influenced by US and Euro music trends, making me extremely versatile in many genres, from live type production to electronic music.
Mixing and recording engineer at NYC's The Cutting Room Studios
I'm used to studio work. In the last 6 years I recorded in 5 different studios for 4 different bands, since then I also have my own setup for recordings, allowing me to spend most of my time recording tracks when I'm not in studio for bands.
Let’s work together on your next project! I have over 10 years experience to help provide you with excellent service and help you achieve the results you are looking for. I provide a number of services from recording, mixing, mastering, as well as production and songwriting consulting.
hello! I am Y.B.A artist and producer looking to work with other artists and get your track and songs to the next level
Recent Successes
"Second time of collaboration with Brandon and outstanding quality as usual. Very joyful experience with this great musician! "
"Awesome work, sounds are very well procédés and mixed no matter what instrument it is. For sure, guitar, bass ans drums are neat and sounds the greatest way possible but these guys know their job toi when it comes to ..."
"Reed is an amazing organist, and produces quality work with his tracks. He added the flavor of soul I needed to really get this track on its feet, and he was very adamant about making sure the track got to the stage I..."
"This was my first time working with GËKKØ and I am in love with the outcome. He is very prompt on delivering updates and enjoyable to work with. I appreciate that he is detailed and organized, giving me reasoning for ..."
"I used to know about Pedro by his virtuous drum playing. But, what a surprise: he's also an excellent mixing engineer! He made my brazilian-jazzy track feel really alive! Everything in it's right place. Sounding BI..."
"Giancarlo has great ears .... we've done a lot of special projects ... always gives me what I ask for "
"More awesome bass playing from Brandon. He knows how to add the finishing touches to a track, he always comes through, I highly recommend!!!!!"