Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TMFD
I love underground electronic music and would love to help you with your next record! If you love dance music, anything that gets people dancing and moving then lets work!
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Hi there, I'm Danny, a happy harmoniser who's been making music and performing professionally for over ten years. Mostly singing, songwriting and playing guitar although I toured with Bob Hillary and the Massive Mellow for a short while playing drums and singing harmonies/arranging. I also play keys ( grade 7 ).
Id like to transform and produce the songs making some different mix style of the song. With all respect of the musicians
Recording studio, mixing engineers, and beat production.
Hello! I'm Nathan and I'm a bedroom producer, composer, and audio engineer. I love the process of starting a project and witnessing the end result. Shoot me a message so that I can help you achieve your music goals.
As a singer-songwriter, I have collaborated with many different artists. I have worked with hip hop artists, R&B, and even country artists. I've written many different types of songs including a Christmas album! One of my most successful collaborations was with a DJ from the Bronx and currently has 38 thousand streams and counting on Spotify.
My name is Taras and I'm a professional musician and producer from Ukraine! I professionally play Drums, Piano, Keyboards and also I'm a professional Singer! I'm really looking forward to working with your next massive and amazing musical project!
Experienced recording engineer in search of expanding his expertise. Currently owner of my own diy recording studio. I've got experience with recording drums, bass, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, brass session and vocal recording for music and podcasts. Also have experience in mixing, mastering music on Pro tools and working with audiovisual
Infectious melodies, clever lyrics, with a soul/r&b/funk sensibility. I work to create unique stories through music using voice, guitar, and keys.
Recent Successes
"Once again, Kris has proven to be extremely invaluable! She's incredibly knowledgeable, communicative and always the consummate pro! Love working with her!!!"
"Amazing work, really professional and listen to your attempts! "
"Very relatable and understanding. He was patient with me and took his time in trying to make sure that the song was fit to the masterpiece I heard in my head. "
"Great Engineer! Was willing to do what it took to get the job done, and went above and beyond expectations! Was also invested in the project and was willing to immerse himself into it rather than treating it as a job!..."
"Working with Kat is always fun, always easy and always awesome!!!"
"Wow I asked Shelly to try and get my song to sound like Broadway - well I reckon after the performance shelly produced (Lyrics and Vocal) Broadway will now be asking people to be like me! What can I say THANK YO..."
"Really great experience working with Max. Nailed my vision and hope to work again in the future."
"Very good job ! and great communication :)"
"Caleb is the best in the business as far as I am concerned. He's spot on and has incredible instincts as a player. Tasteful and beautiful drum tracks as always. Thanks man!"