Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tjoma
IndieGo! - Studios is a team of several ambitious artists with many years of experience in various areas of the music business. In addition to producers, songwriters and beat producers, this also includes sales managers and graphic designers.
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Starting out as a guitarist in a high school Reggae/Rock-based band whilst residing in Kerikeri, New Zealand, Teina Strongman moved to Brisbane, Australia where he discovered his talents in writing, recording and mixing his own music he moved on to become a small time music producer for a range of genres.
I am passionate about making great music. I give 110% until the finished product has met and exceeded the artist's vision and expectations. I approach music making first as an artist because I am one. Let's make something great together!
My Name is Orshea, Im Formerly Known as Ojay.
Some Releases in different Genres : Hands up, EDM , Progressive House, Electro, UK Hardcore , Hardstyle , Mental Madness , Suga Spin , White
Audio Engineer at KnockOutput.com - I help self-producing bands and artists get an impactful, warm, punchy sound. You wrote great songs, I'll make them hit hard!
I am Kristian Camero. I compose music, produce beats and arrange songs. My specialty is modern pop & indie pop music. I have music for Film and Tv placed in Warner Chappell, Marmoset and Amphibious Zoo..
Work with old school mixing engineer and get that vintage 80/90's feel in your music!
Indie Rock specialist with the ability to take any recording to the next level. Have worked with the likes of The Pink Spiders, Superdrag, Tomahawk, Feable Weiner, The Privates, Famous Davis.
Recent Successes
"Right off the rip Randy's profile really stood out to me because I felt like he actually cared about helping me get that sound I was looking for. He was very patient as well as helpful and informative during the whole..."
"Great collaborator the man works very hard to give the best results. Highly reccomend him."
"Super talented and fun to work with. Looking forward to more projects in the future."
"Boom 💥 turned it around in ONE DAY and did an AMAZING JOB!! THANK YOU ALVIN! #Born2LEAD"
"Ziv did it again. If you ever wondered what it feels like to work with an industry pro. then here is you're chance. Ziv has over 1000 5 star reviews and for good reason, he has quick response and turn around times, wi..."
"KRZWL is so amazing getting into the needy greedy in mixing and even mastered the song. Great communicator and prompt response/revisions. My vocals sound so tight and clean and the song is tied all together nicely. L..."
"Andres is a pleasure to work with, with the amount of experience he has ,one can easily trust him and his suggestions. Had to get a master done in pretty less time but Andres did a fantastic job. "
"Another terrific vocal by Colton who I've worked with a few times and really admire the artistry he brings to a song.Highly recommended"
"Jaymee is very punctual and precise musician. He responds very quick and is quite impressive in his job!"
"Gavin is great. Patient, full of ideas and technically brilliant. Don't hesitate to work with him. Thanks for another great track"