Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tina area
I'm a songwriter/producer obsessed with retro synths, k-pop music, and video game soundtracks!
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Major label sound at Indie prices!
My mission is to make this mixing process as painless as possible for you and to have a polished final product that can cut through the sea of noise.
Let me help you elevate your sound
Already working on your next track.
Music Producer and Mixing Engineer with long experience and over 20 released songs under my artist name TMPST. I work part-time with music production & mixing and will always do my best to understand your vision and develop your ideas to compete with the best artists around the world.
Making 🔥 beats since 2013.
Hi! I´m a musician, bassist, producer and arranger.
Singer-songwriters, bands, podcasts and content creators! I can help. Whether you are making music, podcasts, audiobooks, or other audio products, I can guide you through the process from start to finish, or put the final polish on the work you've already done. Discounted rates available for multiple services.
Recent Successes
"Simms is talent. And he sings from the heart. I don't know what else to ask for - his performance moved me so much; but when I was finally able to listen to the song critically, I could also see that it was also techn..."
"Amazing as always! "
"Great work man!"
"GnS Horns are a wonderful team who will deliver you a superb service. Excellent communication skills, fast delivery but most important great contributions to your song. And to top that you won’t just get a single play..."
"Another Great work from Loris! :)"
"Let me tell ya. I Gave TJ a phenomenal task and he exceeded expectations. Really rounded out a full orchestra of vocals to make a full and complete arrangement without making the mix feel cluttered. And let me not for..."
"DA HOMIE KAM JUST DON'T MISS!!! Super easy to communicate with and really puts his all into your song. We gon get a grammy off at least one of these songs I swear!!!"
"Great Person - Great Mixes And Mastering - Would Love To Get My Mixing And Mastering Done Again By Him - Thank You "
"Reed is a versatile musician. From bass, string arrangements, piano and organ - always outstanding. In our last collaboration he even co-composed wonderfully. Thanks!"