Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Time Travel - Kenny Motion
-Master's Degree in Music with an Emphasis in Jazz Studies -Best Blues/Pop/Rock Soloist - Downbeat Graduate Student Music Awards -Specializing in Improvisation and Woodwinds
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I have my smal home studi and I do recording some local bands, make their songs - full mix and master. I am not proffesional, and dont have so much experiences, but I am creative and it can be seen in my mixing abbilities.
A young, freelancing Sound Engineer with over 12 years of experience in Audio Engineering. Contact me to get your song Radio-Ready!
Giovanni Cilio, live and studio session drummer from Florence, Italy.
Make your idea sound as it's in your own head.
My punch line will be write on 5years from now Julay 19.2021
Tenacious musician flows with different genres of music
Andy is the owner of Phonograph Productions; a music production company based in Sydney Australia, Andy is a multi award winning screen composer, film and tv composition music production and also offers guitar sessions at a competitive rate.
Classically trained Punkrocker. If you want that warm sound of upright bass on your Acoustic/Indie song, EP or album, or need a solid electric bass on you Rock/Pop song. Send me a message.
Recent Successes
"alex did a really great job laying me down a bass track for a metal song"
"Julianne was a 5 star i e-mail the song she understood how to make the best melody for lyrics. Julianne was great with melody and lyrics and she was fast and great knowing what to do. I will use her again and again...."
"Absolutely beautiful musician, always writes the best possible guitar and bass and even piano! I’ve worked with him on over 20 songs and I’ll continue to go to Vanja for any future works!"
"Nik is the finest musician I have had the pleasure of working with. He is an A+ drummer, an A+ artist and an A+ person. Every time I messaged him with a need he was right there to help me. For files, he sent me more t..."
"Alex was a pleasure to work with, and his mastering really gave my EP that extra pop it needed! He was able to send me the first draft masters very quickly, and promptly made all of the edits that I wanted."
"Haraldur took our project (podcast and short instruction video) to the absolute next level! Same day delivery and clear communication all the way through. Can not recommend enough! "
"So easy to work with Austin. Excellent results. Amazing to get to work with such high calibre people at affordable prices on this platform. Top notch."