Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tim Phoenix
My passion for the last 20 years have been the art, science and voodoo of mastering music. Elevating a finished mix is (still) as rewarding as finding a diamond in the mud and washing it and polishing it to a fine shine. The true joy lies in providing a valuable service and handing the diamond over to the artist/band.
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I've worked with Gold, Platinum and Grammy award-winning artists as a sound engineer, producer and/or musician.
Real deal Professional mixing and mastering engineer. Trust me with your sound and creativity. I really have a ear for music and I will take your project from 0 to 1000 real quick. I work really fast and very confident into making your music sound great.
I live for the special moments and the special songs that keep them alive. Versatile voice tending to a variety of genres and styles. Possibility to sing in any language.
Two friends with a passion for music recording, production, mixing and beatmaking.
For energy balanced arrangements, hit me up!
Catwalk Opera founder, Monika Spruch is a award winning fashion model and a Certified Soprano singer. Graduate from AVA (Angel Vocal Art) in Los Angeles, Manhattan Opera Studio in NY, Respiro Opera NY, and Belcanto in Tuscany. After a successful concert tours and workshops in Tuscany, Italy - Spruch is opening her booking calendar this fall.
University level education in all things audio, with over 5 years of experience. I specialise in hip hop, rock and metal music.
I provide a loud, clear and full sound for my clients at a reasonable price.
Recent Successes
"Fred worked through every detail diligently with me on all my tracks. My project took a good concerted effort to get off the ground and he was patient throughout the process and also provided valuable inputs to improv..."
"Brandon is the band member you cannot find in your hometown. If you're having trouble dialing in a song or seeing the full scope of your song, I believe Brandon is that person with great energy and know-how you're loo..."
"What an exceptional guitarist. It's been incredible working with Peredur. He's brought my tracks to life. Can't wait for the next tune."
"Excellent musician, great to work with, lovely sounds!"
"Greg is awesome. He has a great ear and our songs come back sounding more clear, precise, and intentional. He's easy to work with, fast, and provides helpful feedback. We will definitely use him again."
"Is there somewhere on here that I can put a sixth star?"
"Such a great producer who is also exhibits great character as a person. He was a foundational part in helping this song come to life. Looking forward to working together more!"
"It is always a pleasure to work with Andros. He is so personable, professional, and impressively talented. His work is fast and extremely high quality. I hope to work with him again soon! "
"Brittany is a super talented vocalist and professional all around. She delivered artistic lead vocals and harmony. Great communication and easy to work with - Brittany even delivered ahead of schedule. Highly recomme..."
"One of my favorite artists here on SB. New awesome projects with Shelley in the future :)"