Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The War of the Worlds
David Simpson is an mix engineer from Scotland, currently based in London. His work includes projects with Clean Bandit, MNEK, Liam Gallagher, Dua Lipa and Jordan Mackampa to name a few.
Multi award winning British electronic dance producer, synthesiser player and mixdown engineer. Over 1200 credits and 250 remixes. Credits on over 200 million streams on Spotify. Producer and engineer for Radio Slave, Fatboy Slim, David Byrne, The War of the Worlds, Artbat, Tracey Thorn, Pikes Ibiza.
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Rangemaster is not just a great studio. It is a creative space packed with inspiring, useful and fun equipment. Rangemaster uses industry standard, classic & proven (and a good dose of retro) technology. Rangemaster is committed to producing music that holds its own on the worlds stage.
Earport-media Team are Michael Schewe and Alexander Tonn. Audio Engineers (SAE Institute), Bachelor of Arts (in Audio Production)
Hey! Currently working on this part...
If I had to choose between produce, recording or mixing music I would choose mixing. I love to mix! And when I love to do something, I do it with 100% dedication and passion. It dosn't matter if the recording is made in a bedroom or if it's made in a professional studio I always use the source material as the foundation and start to build the mix
Are you looking to get clean, punchy and professional sounding mixes for an affordable price? Well then you've come to the right place! With a quick turnaround, your songs will be mixed for perfection and will have the proper balance and power that you seek for only $50 a song!
I love walking in the room and wowing people with my melody and chord selections.
Talented producer/songwriter with the ability to push the limits. Over the past 5 years I have worked and networked with Top 10 Artists from Germany, Turkey and Switzerland like Ezhel, Reynmen, Monet192, Eno, EDIS, Lil Zey etc. | If you are looking for the sound that nobody else has yet - I am the one you are looking for.
Produtor do album Hip hop de baton
Recent Successes
"One more song with Lee. I swear this guy reads what is on my mind. Hi is a magician. Masoud "
"Matt did a great job on my song. Perfect fit for my project and quality files to work with in my DAW. Thanks again Matt!"
"Had no idea of what to expect when coming into this. I must every positive review is spot on. Chris will listen and deliver as instructed. Very patient and all round good guy! Get in touch with this man to bring your ..."
"This is the 2nd time Stephen and I have worked together. He is a great vocalist and no one does better harmonies. This time he also played acoustic guitar on my track. He is just an all around top notch musician and a..."
"Again it is comforting to work with Andrés Mayo. He fixed several mistakes in the mix and then made a wonderful master! Thanks Andrés! I'll send you a new job soon!"
"Matt was fantastic to work with. Super responsive & professional, and most importantly, he went above & beyond to provide an awesome end-product that met my specifications perfectly. Would love to work with him again! "
"Charlie really goes after it,,,,did a lot of extra work, above and beyond what I expected. Very tasty player....really complimented the vocal/story line....on the money in every way...Will definitely come back for mor..."
"Drew has a very current-sounding voice, and his diction has been perfect for the singer-songwriter songs I've had him record. His voice is sweetly believable, and I've had sync licensing success with his vocals on my ..."
"Kimera was amazing to work with. She created a parody song as a gift for my fiancé and I could not be more excited to play it for him. She is incredibly talented and if I ever have any musical needs in the future I wo..."
"Very nice singer, professional, efficient!"