Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Twins Peek
Song from sketch to production. A lot of experience to work with different musicians from many countries.
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Over 10 year's experience in Cancun & the Riviera Maya.
American songstress and word wrangler based in London.
We can create a Wikipedia page for you, which focuses on all elements of your brand.
lo suyo lo suyo
French composer and mixer, I have a wide range of styles I can work on from deep house to film scores. I actually do a lot of sync music library for a publisher and I'm looking to expand my work horizon by putting my skills on various artists projects.
Co - Prod with Nick Mira, Kyle Stemberger, Simon Servida. Loops have been used by multiple producers along with Lil Baby, Lil dark and lil skies
Hello there, I’m Creator from Ukraine. I right music and visual’s canvasses, collage’s, animation. My intention is to cut the heads of war bu the sword of superb art. All following - became more perfect
Recent Successes
"Awesome work! Really brings the best sound out of each track. A consistent, high-quality job every time. "
"Camilo not just did his job really well but also gave guidance about the mix, that is happening rarely. It was a learning process and I convinced the mix is now much better. I will definitely use him again "
"Liyah has been a dream to work with. Her work ethic is something I really appreciate. She's attentive, and able to create what you're imagining in your head with ease. She follows up regularly, and is very patient to ..."
"Corey was great to work with and captured the feel I was going for beautifully. Would love to work with again 10/10."
"Brittany you really went off on this one. I don't know what to do with myself right now. You killed this project. If you've worked with Brittany you are a returning customer. She gives you everything you ask for and t..."
"What a pleasure to work with Angelo! I am astounded by his turn around time and the passion he displays. He did put his whole heart into my song and delivered a demo of such a high standard that I am going to includ..."