Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Phase Issues
My goal is to take your recordings and turn them into emotion-filled, powerful mixes that can't help but put a smile on your face. I understand what a song needs to catch the listener's attention and have a lasting impact. I work with everyone from established artists to brand-new independent artists - there's no project too big or too small!
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I am an Italian Producer and Audio Engineer. I'm working in a Swiss based label, "Enjoy Music", and as a freelance producer. I made several productions for labels, commercials and video scores.
Audio Engineer, Studio Performer, Live Performer
Jambo! My type of music focuses on African traditional instruments infused with Persian sounds and orchestras that blends perfectly with film documentaries and TV commercials as well as advert films. Looking forward to working on a master piece production with you.
Looking for a sprinkle of 'Stevie-esque' chromatic harmonica on your track? If so I look forward to hearing from you!
Let's finish your already started songs and ideas.
If you do hear GSJS Pakuwon Mall streaming service, then I hope my mix reach you out every sunday
Hi! I´m Pottel. I´m a professional singer and my passion is to record and create. I will do anything possible to make your song sound beyond expectations. During my career, I worked with great Brazilian artists and I have delivered high-quality online vocal tracks to satisfied clients all over the world. Together we will bring your song to life!
Elevate your music with a dedicated and experienced mixing and mastering engineer. With a meticulous ear and a passion for sonic excellence, I'm here to take your tracks to the next level, refining every detail to stand out with clarity and power. Let me be your partner on the journey to unforgettable sound!
Recent Successes
"Sam is the most professional, polite and creative person I've ever had the privilege of working with. He is amazingly talented with writing and mixing & mastering. He is a hit machine, from the get go when I heard the..."
"Got a great sound on my mastered track. I made a few requests and he accomplished them quickly. He even gives solid suggestions so that your final sound will be professional and achieved. Thanks again"
"If you get an opportunity to work with Paul, you’ll be as lucky as me. You won’t regret it. BTW - he plays a killer slide too. I never thought one of my tunes would have slide but he’s so creative. "
"Alex is the Best on SoundCloud. If you have a chance to work with him do it - there will be no regrets and many thanks!"
"Great working with Bryan! I needed a quick turn around of my guitar part and he got everything over to me on time and sounding great with two mic options and made the small adjustments I needed super fast! Playing was..."
"When you need a hit children's song, Gaby is your girl! Her melodies are infectious, her lyrics tell stunning stories, and she gets the job done first time! She's a god-send to work with and I don't know what I'd do w..."
"Amazing sound after mastering. Very lucky to trust him."