Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Terese Fredenwall
One stop shop for your song to go from a demo, into a finished song. I deliver complete transformations, based on your demos. If you want hybrid production, floating between the modern and more organic sound, hit me up!
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Owner of Needle Deep Records. For all your recording, mixing, mastering and live sound engineering needs. Specializing in acoustic, rock and metal music but I'm able to fit into any crowd and I can achieve great sounding tracks for all genres.
Singer-songwriter from Jakarta, Indonesia. Has experience collaborating with various artists in genres ranging from Pop, Country, Adult Contemporary to House. Active for more than 5 years as a professional singer and has released 2 albums with original material so far. Always working on more!
Received 3 million streams collectively across all projects, and receiving dozens of playlist adds per day on Spotify and dozens of Shazams per day. Placed on Spotify's NMF Deutchsland Playlist. Co-wrote a song that became a viral audio on Tik Tok used by thousands of creators.
Sony Music, Armada Records or Smash The House are some of the labels where Alex del Amo has published. I have more than 15 years of experience not only producing electronic music but also mixing & mastering a wide rank of styles like edm, pop, trap… I prefer you to stop reading and start listening. Check out my demos! Can’t wait to work with you!
Working with the likes of Flo Rida,Far East Movement, Bone Thugs and Harmony, New Kids on the Block, Pitbull, Fitz and the Tantrums, Chainsmokers, Marc Broussard, Michelle Branch, Markus Shulz, Inna, Sam Hunt, Chase Rice, Olivia Holt, Puddle of Mudd, The Used, etc. I've had billboard success
I will be the guitar player, singer or video producer for your musical project
Songs worth playing anytime, ALL THE TIME.
I have produced my own songs, ranked 44th in a huge international remix contest, been a Member of Warren Huart's Produce Like A Pro Academy, and produced for other people as a music producer, mixing engineer or mastering engineer. My passion is predominantly mixing, and I love mastering and producing music as well.
Recent Successes
"Awesome talented dude, couldn't have made the song what it is without him and his songwriting skills. Great as both a rapper and singer too! Definitely excited about working with Dillon again in the future. "
"Knox had no reviews but he was patient with answering my questions and was determined to get the job, and he knocked my sox off (pun intended).The track was not the lead single for my EP but with him reconstructing my..."
"Marco excels at all styles - even Pirate Rock/Metal!"
" It was great working with Heisam. His vocals met my expectation—very high-quality vocal recording, fast response, and easy to communicate. I highly recommended him to new customers. I will work with him again in the..."
"I start off by doing my drums on my keyboard. At first I thought they were great - until one day a couple of years ago - I decided to ask a professional. O M G! If you use CHUCK SABO - he will transform your tr..."
"He is an Amazing Bass Player. Trust my words. He delivered it in no time. I'll surely work with him again. "
"Eleonora has taken this work into her heart and delivered an outstanding recording beyond expectations. Not only has she got a remarkable voice, but she's also flexible, hard working and willing to take up new challen..."
"this was the second time josh did the mixing and master for a song of mine and I'm very happy with the outcome. before we started he even gave valuable advise on how to improve the song and it just feels good when a h..."