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Tenares 34000 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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24 hour turn around on all projects! Preview your finished product before payment. Will edit to your liking. Looking for long lasting clients. Any genre have worked in all kinds of music from country to metal.
I have been playing drums for over 25 years and I am available for sessions and tours. I love the process of creating in the studio and look forward to bringing your vision to life. I equally love playing live and bringing your songs to life on stage!
I provide bass tracks for your project. 4, 5 & 6 string bass guitars, Electric Upright, Synth Bass, Fretted & fretless. Plus Bongos, Cajon, Cowbells, Shakers. Recorded and performed with hundreds of top artists such as The Bee Gees, Tito Jackson, The Temptations, Englebert Humperdink, Eric Marienthal, Snake Davis, Rick Astley plus many many more.
Vocalist trained in classical and contemporary-folk music since the age of 6. People have described my voice as captivating, mellow with a lot of control. I write, compose, record, mix and master my songs. So for your project, I can weigh in with a broad spectrum of expertise.
Piano Tracks, Arrangements, Compositions and More
Én t.m.i. vagyok
Hi, I'm Ray! My music credits include Rush Hour 3, 4 Christmases, 2014 Super Bowl Commercial and more. You can see more credits on https://www.raymondschnurr.com. I have been fortunate to work on many well-known movies and soundtracks. Using th experience, I am committed to assisting you in creating music that best supports your creative vision!
Mixing/mastering engineer, and remix producer completely committed to be 100% responsive to your needs. Recently mixed Fin del Mundo's KEXP live session.
Recent Successes
"MR. Kramer thank you very much for a great job, the mix was respected and a great sound quality was achieved, I'm happy to throw my new song now."
"Naomi is very talented singer song writher. She is amazing ! She is sincere, kind, and above all listening carefully to what I want. I'm going to come back to Naomi next time."
"Jeff is a talented producer who delivered the work I needed promptly and to a high quality. A breeze to communicate with and seemingly having the capacity to render top-notch musical works upon request, I have no pro..."
"Kenny is very professional and experienced! Didn’t need any revisions! Got exactly what I wanted!"
"Scott is really professional. He did an awesome job with the guitar. Hope to work with you again in the future."
"Mariami has a great voice and fit the music really well! She is very easy to work with, and very good communication. I highly recommend her and I'm sure I will work with her again real son!"
"David did a great job mixing and mastering a song of mine to make it sound clean, professional, and fantastic! Great communication, fast turnaround, and quality work - can't wait to work together again! Highly recomme..."
"Stephen has a huge talent to make your project go to other level. Sure i all come back to him ... Perfect communication and HQ stems !! highly recommended!"
"Brilliant work as usual from Jimmy. World class singer. "