Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Teddy Mc
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Welcome to my own hi-end professional recording and mixing studio !!!
Producer and Writer of The Real McCoy and Maxx. The Real McCoy had countless Top 5 Hits in the USA, UK, Japan and Europe and sold more than 8 million records worldwide. Furthermore Quickmix was honoured by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) for the Song Another Night, which stayed 50 weeks the US Billboard Chartsl
Hi, I’m Eline! A very experienced vocalist, known for my unique, versatile & warm vocals. With over 15 years of experience in the music industry, an online following of over 1 million subscribers, and 150+ millions of views, I’ve had the opportunity to lend my voice to numerous TV commercials, movies, and games.
With 50+ albums under my belt, I translate my passion for music into fresh, genre-bending productions. From pop anthems to pulsating beats, I craft captivating soundscapes across genres like rock, hip-hop, R&B, and more. Need catchy hooks that stick? I'm your guy. Collaboration is my superpower. Let's turn your sonic vision into reality.
Vox of Dose Band
Bringing your sound to the highest level, from any step in the process.
Violinist, arranger, composer and producer.
latin urban music producer, specialized in the reggaeton music genre, more than 5 years of experience making beats.
Recent Successes
"Jenny already did 5 b/voc tracks for me for me my album - and she was so good I searched around for another song to feature her on . She was brilliant . I cannot recommend here more highly ."
"Great job on this song! Solid sounding and track is sparkling! It was also a lot of fun to do! "
"It was awesome working with Arthur! He is very easy to communicate and to work with. He works in smooth and timely manner. He was able to capture my musical style in the mixing through the mastering. He took my song i..."
"This time it was about classical acoustic picking and Paul did a fantastic job again! "
"How to explain to you... this gentleman has a gift! He's very fast! Very professional! He produces songs at the speed of light with a quality that you can’t find elsewhere, now I only work with him, thank you very muc..."
"Nacho is the besto! 3rd track together, and preparing the 4th one. Cheers and thank you for your great work as usual"
"Joey recorded wonderful tracks for me again. My second time with him. My recommendation!"