Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sweet Plot
Tom “T Bone” Relling has been active on the San Francisco scene for over a decade, and has earned a reputation among Bay Area musicians for his masterful bottleneck slide guitar playing.
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I can turn any song into a professional recording. I can write lyrics and rework them for your track and I can teach you how to reach your potential with your voice gently and efficiently.
Latin American music specialist with deep roots and antennas for the world. Versatile Musical Production, ITB Mix, Composition, Multi-Instrumentalist.
I am a music producer/mix engineer out of Denver, CO. I have been a mix engineer for the past 3 years helping local DJs get their tracks radio ready. I have also gotten tracks I have produced supported by Two Friends, Win and Woo, Kaivon, and Justin Caruso.
I provide multiple audio solutions, from music production, to voice overs and singing.
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Recent Successes
"Ferdinando was one of the easiest persons to work with. He works with absolute professionalism and has a quick turn around time. He completed the project before the delivery date and gave amazing results. He is one of..."
"I'm very impressed by how Tony h managed to capture the feeling behind my music, without any background story from me. His voice along with the lyrics were such a good match for the song. The message really resonates ..."
"Amazing singer, super efficient too. An absolute pleasure to work with!"
"Always a 5 star experience with John!"
"Henry did exactly what I needed him to do: 1) Got me out of 2nd, 5th, 12th, 27th-guessing myself 2) Made me sound better than what I was doing for myself 3) Was always kind, became a friend. Thank you!"
"Listen, Once you pick Darren up, It's hard to put him down. Nothing last forever but I hope we can sustain this, Nothing but greatness coming from Darren and we have a nice team to complete this body of work. Love..."
"Phil is a total pro! He added a very nice sound to my project."
"Nico has been great to work with! Outstanding communication and a clear passion for ensuring the final product is as good as it possibly can be. Highly recommend Nico and hope to work with him again soon on another pr..."
"Elliot’s craft is beautiful and he is a master of it ;) Always a pleasure to work with him! For those looking for great quality work go to EJM!"