Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Suuperhalo
I am a professional audio mixer and producer specializing in rock music. I create authentic rock sounds using old equipment and techniques. I work on Neve and API desks and a whole range of vintage outboards.
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Three-time Grammy winning Engineer/Mixer/Producer Ross Hogarth is known to be one of Los Angeles' most in-demand and versatile engineers. From Classic Rock to Heavy Metal, Ziggy Marley to Van Halen, Ross' experience brings out the best in bands and singer-songwriters alike.
Client-first, cat and cartoon loving producer specializing in Pop and rock genres, learned under the guidance of platinum selling producer/mixer Ryan Greene @ Crush Recording and Validus Studios. Your go to for a HUGE sound on a small budget.
You've got a song but you need the right voice. You've got a vocal track but want some sweet backing vocals. I can arrange, top line and deliver a top-notch vocal track. I've sung on soundtracks (Frozen, Despicable Me 3 ...), sung backup for Barbra Streisand and soloed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Legit.
I am one half of the international duo, Locnville. I'm a producer that has won multiple international awards including MTV EMA. My productions, mixes and masters have sold more than 1,000,000 copies worldwide.
I'm a passionate professional vocalist, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who keeps persuading her dream to provide song/lyrics/topline writing and vocal/backing vocal/piano/flute recording services for artists and projects from all over the world.
Important Tips for Singing Audition to make you the best singer
Music Credits: Greenleaf TV Show (Season 2 & 3)(Piano & Organ) The Black Church Documentary (Piano & Organ), Lifetime Presents The Mahalia Jackson Movie (Piano & Organ), Elijah Winston (Organ) Mixing Credits: Jandé (R&B), Terayle Hill (Hip-Hop), Marica Chisolm (Gospel), Rodney Iler (Gospel), Tawana Rochester (Gospel), Tiffany Sheree (Gospel)
singer, songwriter & creative living in Los Angeles -- I help bring visions to life
Recent Successes
"He is so patient with artistic growth and detail! I sent my song Rockstar back to him so many times to be adjusted and he listened, delivered and banged out such quality! I will definitely be working with him again, a..."
"Camilo is one of the best Mastering Engineers in the business! You can't go wrong! Thanks Camilo!"
"Great crisp on the song, the best work I have seen yet. Can’t wait to build a relationship with Tyree and get more music done. 💪🏽💪🏽"
"3rd time I work with Darrel and he delivered multi track drums for my song. Darrel communicate so well and bring his a-game everytime! 10 stars out of 10!! Thanks Darrel, looking forward to next song!"
"It was a great pleasure to work with Joao once again. Easy to work with, communicative and profesional resulting in awesome guitar tracks. Feels like he is part of our band 😀👍👍"
"Absolutely loved working with Oscar, he surprized me a little at first as he didnt have doubts lol but thats cuz he got all the instructions on point!! He really elevated my song by his mix mastering skills to a new l..."
"Amazing to work with, fast communcation and delivered fast! I am very happy and if you read this and need a great guitarist dont hesitate because this is a good choice."
"Amazing guy to work with! On point and his skills are topnotch. He gets what you want very fast. Also very punctual with deadlines. Flexible, skilled, friendly and all arround easy to work. Would love to work again ..."
"Sara is a pro! So quick and efficient. Can't wait to work with her again on the next one."