Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SUPERFLUSH
AJ Johnson is an award winning music producer, songwriter and graphic artist. After working under top pop producer Fernando Garibay (Lady Gaga, U2, Sia), he has partnered up with SoundBetter's top mixing engineer Nicolas Essig to create Studio VII Productions. They have worked with many artists including Daft Punk, Post Malone and Lana Del Rey.
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Alberto Chaves “Al Bandito” Beatmaker / Engineer (Mix & Master) France
Hello, I'm a Recording and Mixing Engineer located in Atlanta, Georgia. My studio is located in The Artist Factory. I've recorded David Banner,
we're specialized in writing, recording and producing commercial music. artists and brands
I can write you a catchy hooks to slow ballads.
Need a verse or a catchy catchy hook…
I’m a solo artist/session musician who produces and writes songs. I’m into many different vibes and sounds so whatever you do I’m sure I could help take your songs to a better place. I’ve played on recordings by Wiz Khalifa, Rayland Baxter, The Roots, Melody Gardot and others. I love to make a song even better than it was. Let’s make some music!
Bùi Ngọc Bảo Minh
Platinum-selling, Billboard-charting songwriter and producer from Toronto, now based in Los Angeles, known for my work with Prescription Songs under the guidance of Dr. Luke. If you're looking for catchy melodies, compelling lyrics, instrumentals, song production, re-production, or top-notch mixing and mastering, I'm definitely your guy!
Recent Successes
"Final job together with Jason.. This has been a very fun project of total 9 songs we did together and I am so pleased with all drums Jason tracked. So proud to have him on-board and what a groove Jason has.. For me ..."
"Stephan’s the best!! He brought my tracks to life with solid mixes and attention to detail. The communication was great, and overall I really enjoyed working with him. Highly recommend!"
"This was our first time using SoundBetter for a mix/master project. We didn’t know what to expect when we reached out to Vlad, but our we glad we did. Vlad is quick and effective with his communication. He is underst..."
"A true master of the craft. thanks again Benny. "
"Alou was so patient and very creative, he helped with revisions and was super responsive and I love the outcome, I highly recommend him as a music producer and someone who will help you creatively "
"I had a simple song idea that I shared and Luke jumped right on it. I gave him a summary of the theme of the song and he had something back in one day. I’ll be using him again on my next project!"
"6 stars of 5 for Eileen, if it were possible ... I haven't counted the tracks with Eileen... we've been working together for so long and when you write the songs in her impressive tone, according to our entire team, s..."