Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sulo
20+ years experience as a multi-genre vocalist. Live & studio.
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Radio Ready Sound for you fast and HQ!
Composer / Producer / Songwriter
Professional Producer , Composer, Song writer I manage Arab musicians & Vocal Artists (Male/Female) Specialized in film scoring, ads, V.O's & Jingles 15 year experience
I can make you sound sick, ignorant, glorious or evil.
Hello there! I am Ezekiel Nigma, a self-taught musician and composer. I can play guitar, keyboard, do vocals (clean and harsh), and compose music.
I play guitar, saxophone, and piano. I have been writing music with my band for about three years now. I write mostly pop / synth-pop type of songs. I have a passion for mixing and mastering my own songs as well as others.
Progressive and creative songwriter that brings lyrics to life visually. Utiliziing dynamic vocals and captivating harmonies.
Soy Agustín Casulo, artista y productor musical especializado en música urbana. He trabajado con y para artistas como Zeballos, Negro Santo, Eros White, Cronin, Santi Mostaffa y BONI
Recent Successes
"Tom takes the songs to a completely different level. So love to work with him. Communication is fast and hassle free. He really knows what the song needs. Looking forward to the next song."
"I asked for a Loud Clean master with that Shine and thats exactly what i got! 100! "
"How fun is it to make a record with Rudiger!? I guess you're going to have to find out for yourself! I guarantee you it's an experience you won't forget! The consummate professional with an amazing toolkit! Widely..."
"Great mix & quick response with revisions"
"Really impressed with Andy’s work on my country song as a vocalist and instrumentalist! He really brought it to life, such a strong and emotive singer, really makes you feel the words he sings."
"Vincenzo is such a talented music producer and a guitarist. I truly enjoyed working with him on my piano composition. He took it to the next level and was very patient and open to suggestions. I am amazed by his pr..."
"Nico was dedicated to provide the best mixing experience possible from quality to communication. He has spent time on countless video calls with me patiently explaining what is the best approach and why. He also put a..."
"Agustin understood perfectly what I was looking for and from the first attempt I already loved his music. 100% recommended."