Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Squeeze - Amplifier
Bringing your songs to life with high-quality, professional recordings
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I`m mix&master engineer with 20 years experience - my speciality is cross genre music. Feel really good when acoustic instruments meets electronic stuff etc. I fill good at any alternative and indie music to very conservative 100% live jazz records.
AarshiNagar - Rock Nation Fusion Band
Production Musical
We make it sound big!
Music Producer & Sound Designer
Passionate mixning and mastering engineer, motivated personable professional, with a comprehensive understanding of various music genres with a strong background and specialized experience in Soca/Calypso, Reggae, Dancehall, Trap, R&B, Hip hip/Drill, Afrobeats/Afropop, House, Electro, EDM and Alternative. Guarantee client satisfaction always.
As a talented mixing engineer, I blend artistry with technical expertise to sculpt pristine soundscapes that captivate audiences and elevate every musical creation to its fullest potential
Ethereal, catchy, cinematic songwriting and vocals - stems will be sent to you already comped, with doubles, harmonies and additional ad-libs.
Recent Successes
"Matt came up with something I really loved in less than 24 hours. Amazing job, really professional , 5 stars. looking forward to work again with you."
"Ethan is a Legend! A powerful and versatile vocalist and an absolute professional in understanding and interpreting the song, working to brief and turning everything around promptly. I couldn't recommend him more hi..."
"amazing and fast as usual"
"Another great job by Eyal! I contacted him about a year ago to add drums to a song, then we did a 2nd one, pretty soon I decided to have him on all 10 songs on my latest album. I couldn't be happier with the results! ..."
"He doesn't just do a great job but explains a lot of the technical side if you have questions. Thanks Fabian!!"
"Ziv tore up a modern Dua Lipa like song. Only two people other than me have heard it thus far and great and terrific were the words used. I’d like to add spectacular to his ten guitar wavs he sent me. He always gives..."