Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anton Lipovetsky
Bringing your songs to life with high-quality, professional recordings
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Shaping the sounds of the future and perfecting the sounds of the past. I am Himitsu.
Over 5 Millions streams on Spotify alone. Singing professionally for 14 years. I was also a part time Mixing/Mastering engineer at Dberg studios in Burbank CA 2017-2019. Have been working 9-5 at Warner Music Group in DTLA since 2019. No matter the genre or idea, we can bring it to life. Thank you for considering me for your project.
Cellar Tapes Recording Studio & Audio Services, Bristol, UK
Hello, my name is Andy, I'm a sound engineere and I can do your sound better. I work on digital sound instruments that have been copied from iconic analog instruments of all time.
Whether there are 40 million people listening to a live television broadcast or it's your first demo you want to get on Spotify, your project gets the same level of respect, consideration and attention to detail. It is an honor to be at your service.
Producer, Guitarist and Mixer, Collaborator on Latin Grammy-winning album and on records by many other nominees. I want to bring out the genuineness of each artist.
I've worked with one of Megan thee Stallion's "sweetest pie" hit song, producer Lil homie from platinum libraries. I sing for a living and working with you will be an opportunity to learn and improve.
Recent Successes
"The real deal! Looking forward to working again!"
"Feel lucky to have worked with Matt, everything was on point, starting from getting the feeling of the songs right and making them sound great (and doing it fast to top it all)."
"This was my first time working with Nicki and she was great. Not only is her voice fantastic she is very intuitive and knew just what style to use on my tracks. She completed her parts in a timely manner and sent th..."
"Absolute professional with a quick turnaround. Knows exactly what kinds of groove you’re looking or. Alexander is a stellar saxophonist and musician. "
"Excellent work as always! "
"It's already our third time working with Tamika and she never seizes to amaze us. She responded very fast and delivered excellent vocals even before the deadline. We would be delighted to work with such a professional..."
"Leo did indeed provide a killer bassline! In fact, all the takes were superb in their slight differences, and I had an easy job comping together what I believe to be an epic sounding bassline for my song. Leo is als..."
"HUGE Talent - An honor for me to collaborate with George"
"Professional and clear communication throughout. Truly wants to help get the best end result, and my band and I are thoroughly pleased with the master of our single. Expecting to be a repeat customer!"