Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Spirit Goth
In-house producer and assistant of Grammy-winner Alberto Pérez at #1 studio in Barcelona, Sol de Sants Studios. Credits as production assistant include Chet Faker, Kase O, Lia Kali, Chicuelo Gomez, Marco Mezquida. As a artist/producer my music is featured and released through Spirit Goth Records, one of the top indie-lofi labels.
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Nashville based songwriter, producer, and audio engineer.
Bringing out a new sound on both the fusion and experimental genres
Arranger / Sound Engineer / Mix Man
I think of music as a language. With every song, there's a message that needs to be delivered no matter if there's lyrics or not. Collaborated with R&B artist R.LUM.R on remix EP, "Alterimage" Played trombone on intro and song "Let Go" on new Judah & The Lion album, "Pep Talks" Won 2016 Nashville Industry Music Award for Producer of the Year.
I'm a guitarist, singer, songwriter, and producer from Dublin, Ireland.
With decades of music performance and composition experience, I can write and record any style, riff, or lick you need recorded perfectly. I also produce, master, and voice act. Basically, just tell me what you need and I'll make it happen.
Beatmaker, producer in France, I'm exporting to abu dabi with the sky as the only limit
Gingerh Boy
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Scitt Nelson . He is Very Proffessional and very efficient in delivering high quality audio. Recommended"
"I've been lucky enough to collaborate a couple of times with Nathalie and she's incredible. It was even better than last time. Communication above all, super super professional, and very very dedicated to her work. Ev..."
"Wow! I am so impressed! Cecilia made my tracks sound amazing! Literally everything I could have asked for and she is amazing to work with! Thank you!!"
"They say "Good, Fast, Cheap - pick 2", cos you have to sacrafice one to realise the other two... but those folks never ran into DJ REST! Very straightforward process, quick turnaround, very affordable, great results! ..."
"When ever I need top of the line vocal tuning and timing, Emma is the go too. Never have I been not pleased. Emma is very professional and crazy busy as well. Emma was able to get to my track earlier than scheduled an..."
"Great mastering job from Andrés as always. Very happy with the results and how detailed he is with the feedback to have the best results possible."
"Luca is a talented musician, and I appreciated working with him on my project because he communicates with such a high level of professionalism. His turnaround time was fast, efficient, and communication with him was..."