Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sparkle Flint
Hello, my name is Daniel, I'm a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist from Kyiv, with more than 10 years of session and studio experience. I can help you create the perfect instrumental and vocal arrangements for your composition. I work in many genres, such as funk, jazz, rock, pop and many others.
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I can complete all your audio needs, all the equipment and creativity to bring your vision to life. I have worked with a range of independent artists growing their seeds of songs into albums.
Specializing in Pop Ballads. If you want a song about love, passion, pain, or yearning, you're in the right place.
Hello! My name is Alex, and I am a songwriter, guitarist and studio engineer. For guitar, I can write/record standard rhythm tracks, leads, atmospheric or otherwise.
I've worked with music legends over the past 10 years and want to apply my knowledge and skills to your next project. With a versatile set of skills and a deep contact list of super talented session musicians we can take your project to the next level. Check out my artist page on Spotify (1ggy)
I played mainly Rock music, also played Punk Rock, Flamenco, World music, Reggae and italian music. Right now I’m playing BeatSurf with my band “Wasabis” and doing solo projects.
Gingerh Boy
Mixing and mastering service available
[FIRST SIMPLE MIX FREE] Over 20 years of experience as a session guitarist, beat maker, mixing and mastering engineer.
Recent Successes
"Really makes subtle by dramatic improvements in my song. fantastic ear. Can't wait to do more with Tyler!"
"This guy is an awesome and precise musician. And he went the extra mile on a project, which only happens when someone loves what they do. The audio quality was also fantastic. Communicates well. Keeps his schedule. Hi..."
"Chris made a fine job, but didn't deliver the final file despite of multiple demands."
"Ashton is honestly the dopest! He added saxophone to my track like it was a piece of cake and even offered 4 different samples as well as his entire session. Easy communication, superb ideas, and, obviously, amazing s..."
"Austin did a awsome job with mixing & mastering my track. Fast response and delivery."
"quick response and work times ! great sound!"
"Our working relationship is slowly but steadily shifting into a very intuitive zone, where Marcos seems to know what to do even before I can formulate it. And if you're into minor major chords: he can do those too ;)"
"Immaculate Producer!"
"Keto is very professional and an amazing musician/guitarist. He delivered exactly what I was looking for and more. He breathed new life into the track. Outstanding experience and highly recommended."