Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Space Candy
I am an experienced Music producer who specialises in sound design, songwriting, mixing and mastering.
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A versatile producer and compelling sound engineer/mixer in the Dallas music scene. Anything regarding production beats/vocals/mixing/live guitar with great quality.
Hi. I'm Oscar. I'm a session bassist & producer, and I want to help you make an amazing record. I have delivered high-quality bass track in several studios in my country, let's make it together now online.
I will professionally mix and master your songs to industry standards. Flexible rates!
I can transform your recording into a professional quality song - like magic!
Audio engineer and Latin Grammy Member with a trained ear to produce the best sound. With skills in mixing, mastering, and audio editing, I can take your music to the next level.
Hi, I'm Emiliano, a professional guitarist from Buenos Aires, Argentina with over 15+ years of music experience. As a Berklee College of Music (EMC) graduate, I've been trained to play and make music in a variety of styles, including Rock, Pop, Jazz, Bossa Nova, Rap, Funk, Neo Soul, Soundtracks, Podcast Intros.
Productor Musical
If you are looking for a versatile producer, with a unique and fresh sound, who can take your ideas/melodies/lyrics to the next level and make you sound like your favorite artists... you are in the right place!
Recent Successes
"Great Experience working with Nick. He did a good job and was attentive to my request, and the price was affordable. He took time to fix things on my track until I was satisfied. Great recommended. Aurélie"
"Super good, and super quick. Milana is my go to person. Even when I think I have a good track, I go to her for an even better track!"
"It was our 10th song! I've written so many good things about Chris that I'm missing words now.... Simply next WOW :-)"
"Thank you so much, Leo!"
"Always amazing work. "
"Elliot is the best! Always an easy and efficient process working with him. I never knew how much a great master can drastically improve your mix until we began working together. The masters always return sounding bett..."
"Elias always does an incredible job when comping and quantizing drums for me. My most recent track had quite a bit of edits, but the cuts were seamless and the drums sound tight and still natural. Amazing work as usual!"
"For lack of a better word Elliot is a master! He’s amazingly fast and detail oriented! He’s also a super friendly and accommodating! Highly recommend him. "