Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Southerland
I'm a #1 Hit Songwriter with 25+ years experience in writing and producing. If you have a song or even an idea that you want to bring to life, I'd love to help.
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Want a unique, indie mix? I'm your unique, indie mixer. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Music Composition, Mixing Mastering, Video Editing
Hi, I'm a musician/recording engineer/producer based bay area, who works over the internet to turn your demos into full production songs. Some of my skills includes keyboards, orchestral arrangements, and drum programming etc.
Violin, viola, string arranging, background vocals. Most genres.
I'm a singer and songwriter. I studied music at college in Toronto, which is where I was able to refine my singing and songwriting skills. My main genres of composition are R&B, Soul and Pop. I can also assist in work shopping songs anyone is working on in Jazz or Reggae genres. I can also provide harmonies for your tracks.
DJ Master
Greetings Everyone I Specialize in Reggae and Electronic Music of all genres, I am a engineer with a wide variety of technical and professional skills and is more than capable to bring your productions to the next level whether it is mixing, mastering, Analog/Digital Mastering available.
Donahue Industries is committed to giving you the best mixes and masters for your music as well as session work. We can do live bass, guitar, drums, synths or pretty much any sound you'd like.
Recent Successes
"Excellent musician. Followed my instructions to the the letter and delivered the tracks on time. Highly recommend that you use Gergo when your next project requires an excellent brass man!."
"I had the pleasure of working with Kjel for a second time. He delivered gorgeous piano tracks! He even gave me some very tasteful improv options. I love it! I'd love to work with Kjel again in the future."
"Rob and Sue have been awesome from start to finish and brought an incredible feel to my songs - really easy to work with and really nice people - loving the tracks - Sean"
"My go to guy. Always quality work"
"Direckt works crazy fast and communicates well. We worked on 2 tracks together so far and I love the sound. Definitely worth the price. "
"Amazing job! Sounds super clean and clear, always nice to work with Bram!"
"Worked together with Matt several times on our new music. The mixes we receive back get better and better each time. Very patient with us and strives for the best possible service. Once again 5 stars!"
"Wonderful playing, great track by Michael! Great experience, hire him"