Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Soundtrap
Creative percussion recordings for songs, music productions & sample libraries
Multi-genre award-nominated artists producer, sound designer, ghost producer, mixing-mastering engineer, sample pack designer with placements on Billboard, Times Square, McDonalds, Music Box, Splice, ADSR Sounds, Soundtrap and many others. Artists, who worked with me are featured on Grammy, MTV, Billboard and GLAM.
Music producer and composer known for Drake's 'Stories About My Brother,' crafting sounds in hip-hop, soul, jazz, R&B, and more.
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I play drums on "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys, "In America" by John Legend, "Lord Knows" by Drake, tracks from Jay Z, Eminem, Kanye West, Needtobreathe, Rick Ross and many more. I want to play on your songs, too!
Every Million Miles, Adam Tensta, Amy Diamond, Wei Wei, Tainted Black
I wanted to move to Nashville after high school and just write songs for the rest of my life but "go to college" they said, "get a degree" they said! I graduated college in the middle of a pandemic so here we are. Let me write a killer bridge for you
Hey, I'm Fabio Stuber, a hobby musician from Switzerland, or rather from Herzogenbuchsee, who is passionate about the world of music.
Music producer and composer known for Drake's 'Stories About My Brother,' crafting sounds in hip-hop, soul, jazz, R&B, and more.
Multi-genre award-nominated artists producer, sound designer, ghost producer, mixing-mastering engineer, sample pack designer with placements on Billboard, Times Square, McDonalds, Music Box, Splice, ADSR Sounds, Soundtrap and many others. Artists, who worked with me are featured on Grammy, MTV, Billboard and GLAM.
"Every idea has a way to be found, and a way to be lead to success" / Top productions / Soundtrap & Logic Pro X speciallist / Multi-genre / Film composer
Hi there!
Recent Successes
"Mark provided a prompt professional service. His style and skill truly impressed me. Highly recommended and I will continue to hire him."
"Mele is a great artist and song writer, I love how we are able to keep the business side straight and still create those radio smashes!! You need that Chris Brown vibe with that urban writing only roll with mele ........"
"JD worked a 10 song album for me. He worked with me on each song and added what he thought would help the song. When my female singer left he brought in some singers to help complete the album. He's very professional..."
"Working with Mikhail was perfect! He understood quickly my requirement and since we got onboard in this project we were on the same channel. definitely, I will work again with him, good job!. "
"So pleased with how this is sounding! Really appreciate your help with this one - I feel like it's come on such a long way since V1! Thank you so much for all your time and advice."
"Amazing Work again! Kuyano always deliver!"
"Gabriele delivered a perfect guitarsolo for my song Exodus very fast. He is a true professional and easy. I hope we will work together again. I can really recommend him. Work with him."