Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sounds Of Red Bull
With over 4m + streams on streaming platforms & a wealth of experience working with a broad variety of clients over the last 12 years, ben haydn is a true professional in his craft.
For any audio that needs some finessing, fine-tuning or straight-up fixing! Whether it's unwanted noises that need removing, multiple recordings that need to sound more 'together', or you're not even sure what's needed but you just need it sorted... I can help!
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Online Mixing Service - Professional Sound with " The World’s Most Authentic Analog Emulations " *Free Sample Mix *Unlimited Free Revisions *Hi-Fidelity Mixes For Spotify/AppleMusic/YouTube
A Audio Engineer hailing from Brooklyn, new york. A real hard worker that does Recording/Mixing and Mastering.. I have worked on multiple different projects and albums. I work at Platinum Sound Recording Studio, and have worked on quite a few different artists record from Dave East, Miguel, Kent Jones, Jay Critch, Rich Tha Kid, Ray J and more
I'm a producer, composer and arranger, but also multi-instrumentalist songwriter, I can produce songs for you to suit your style from scratch. I work in many genres, especially world music, electro jazz, acoustic, blues, Indie rock and prog rock. I'm particularly specialized in Video / Documentary / Movie / TV / Jingle music.
Grammy-accredited Recording/Mixing Engineer. Beyonce, Jay-Z, J-Lo, Chloe X Halle, Pharaohe Monch, Busta Rhymes, Tiffany Monique, Jill Scott, etc.
Once a song is done for me personally, it’s usually ready when its blossoms.
Mix your song in only 24 hours
Música original creada por y para humanos.
I am a guitarist and vocalist from Alberta, Canada with over 20 years of experience.
Recent Successes
"Fred Miller delivers one of the best quality of music! "
"Communication and execution was a little wonky at times--esp. in the beginning--but Rami is committed to ensuring you're pleased with the end result (and my song was def enhanced by the end). He's a timely responder, ..."
"Absolutelly amazing ! We couldn't think of better professional for our album. The price, patience, understanding the direction we are heading to - absolutely amazing. I will go for the next The Fortune Tellers album f..."
"This is the third time I've worked with Blue, and she was amazing each time. I'd highly doubt that there are too many better designers out there. Great to work with as well. She works until you're it works for you. "
"Profesionists at their bests. Very good quality and fast results. Happy to work with Seb!"
"Definitely the best mix&mastering engr to work it here.. he is patient & listens to every little details you bring to his attention, I recommend him 100%."
"A very professional approach, Raena did everything I could have wished for. Top drawer! Thank you Raena. "
"I can always trust Santiago for an amazing job. "