Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sophie Shaw
Producer/Arranger - Specializes in vocals, arranging, tuning, drum programming, guitar tracks. Genres I specialize in are r&b, soul, pop, singer/songwriter and country.
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I love to listen. Music is my life. Touring - Live Sound FOH Mixing Engineer Studio recording and Mixing Sound Designer for Installs and Venues. 30 Years of Experience with Audio
I'm a session drummer. I'm working in my studio from almost 20 years for a lot of different kind of production, from jazz to alternative rock, from soul pop to contemporary soundtrack. My experience as a pro drummer and as a teacher gives me a lot of sensibility for what the customer needs. Open minded approach to reach what is best for the music.
I will sonically mix or master your masterpiece to perfection.
Not your average producer. Let my sound speak for itself. I go by Cartier AMG, super producer and sound engineer. Since you read this far, let's lock in a vibe: https://cartieramg.beatstars.com
Industry-Breaking Mixing & Mastering Service Based on 8 yrs of Experience. I can create living breathing worlds through sound. From sound design, to full-scale production, to mixing & mastering, I can provide you with that Billboard-ready crystal clear sound you desire.
Singer, songwriter, indie folk guitarrist.
Industry sound at an affordable price.
I make a unique style of urban music from rnb to grime & hip hop.
Recent Successes
"I've done 4 songs now with Timmy, and what can I say, the guy is brilliant ... it was quite specialised 'preservation/re-invigoration work' I gave him but with lots of great communication he managed to improve on the ..."
"Michael was so easy to work with and really brought my song to the next level. His mixing skills are truly amazing and I look forward to working with him again in the future. Can't recommend him enough!"
"Fabian is always the best choice. He dedicates with love to every project you may send to him. He really takes care of it and the final result is special and amazing. He totally understands every direction you may sug..."
"It was a true honor to work Catherine! I was so stunned and impressed by how much life she brought to my project! She's an insanely talented vocalist and an equally amazing person who will make sure you're happy every..."
"The only singer to use. Get your song done right with true talent and professionalism. Always amazing to work with and cares about your project and doing it right. "
"A great producer to work with. Did exactly what I asked him to do, and provided fast service. Would recommend working with Michael."
"Great melodic bass track from Timothy! It adds great value to my song. I appreciate his creativity! Thanks again! "
"Great energy . I asked for a punchy funk take on a track and I got it ! Chelsea did advise it would take a week or two in the booking notes and that was fine by me. Well recorded and labelled. A Soundbetter keeper IMH..."
"Easy to work with and responsive! Definitely recommended, thanks Nazar!"