Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with So Totally
I am a 2D animator and motion graphics specialist focusing on coupling audio with an alluring visual counterpart.
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Grammy nominated music producer and mix engineer. Extremely versatile, love live instrumentation. Want your 'real' drums and piano to blend seamlessly with your programmed beats and soft synths then I'm your man.
The soul is the essence of the vibe I promise this jawn gon Be Live lol
Hi, I'm Joe - a busy full time music producer, mixing & mastering engineer and live & studio guitarist and bass player. If you need help finishing your project, I'm your guy. I can help polish you production, adding charisma, character and depth
Andrew Star, born on July 21, 1997, is a talented and multifaceted artist who has made an indelible mark on the contemporary music scene. At 26, this charismatic singer, songwriter, and DJ has won hearts with his innovative approach and passion for music.
I've written and performed on a top 40 billboard hit, won a songwriting competition with Timbaland as well as surpassing over 50 million streams online. As well as singing, I play, produce and mix and have been doing so for clients for many years. :)
I'm Mavrïck, pop music producer for over 10 years. To date, I have sold over 5000 instrumentals and worked with artists from all over the world.
Hola, soy productor musical ecuatoriano formado en Rosario - Argentina, soy compositor, cantautor y hago networking con sesionistas top de argentina y México, combinado con mi experticia para componer se realiza música muy competitiva en el mercado musical. Ademas también soy ingeniero de mezcla y mastering y hago edición de audio.
With over five years of experience in analog recording and professional mastering, I am dedicated to taking your music to the next level. I specialize in mixing and mastering across various genres and work transparently and openly with my clients to achieve the best possible results.
Recent Successes
" This is a team that's with you all the way from the beginning and is guaranteed to see you through to the end. The genuine positive energy here makes for good music and good vibrations. Nice working you guys"
"Mario has been fantastic to work with. Fast turnaround, professional and above all great quality. Will have the pleasure of working with Mario again very soon"
"wonderful and proffesional ! this is already the second song that giovanni writes for me. "
"Looking to write to a current sounding radio smash track? Killian is your guy. 16 songs later, he just gets better and we continue to grow together. Come with pipes and a strong writing sense and you got this! Hire hi..."
"Tyree is a truly great mixer. Brought the song I produced to life!!! Thanks again man. Truly appreciate it 🙏 Quick, efficient, and sounding great. "
"John's intuitive feeling for the role he has been given in this project is nothing short of stellar! What a talent! Working with him continues to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience!"
"The rendering is up to my expectations. With her sensual voice, Bella perfectly understood the theme of my track and was able to bring all the emotion I wanted. A real pleasure to work with this talented artist!"
"Big voice. Completely overdelivered with lots of creative and thoughtful options. Steady communication throughout. Great experience! "