Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Smushie
I gained experience while being producer/engineer for Post Animal, and other artists in the Chicago/Midwest area. I have evolved into an eclectic style, blending classic sounds with modern processes to taste - often complimented on the depth and live energy of my mixes. Always down to insert myself but I know how to be transparent!
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Concept based Projects
I am a singer, songwriter and poet. My voice is a velvet contralto, with a crunchy bottom and a ringing middle. Working range A#2 (!) - D5. The voice is most similar to the timbre of such artists like: Lana del Rey, Amy Winehouse, LP, Grace Slick, Shirley Manson, Janis Joplin, Asaf Avidan, Adele, Pink, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus.
I will help you create & make your music sound like a record.
Vocalist, songwriter, recording artist, Artist
I'm a spanish hardstyle producer.I have released on renowned labels such as Dirty Workz, Scantraxx, Spinning Records and many more.
Conservatory-Trained Pianist-Singer-Songwriter & Educator
Hello, I'm Marco—a multi-instrumentalist musician with a knack for crafting unforgettable musical experiences. With over 4 Spotify albums and contributions to 10+ audiovisual projects, I bring a versatile skill set to every endeavor.
Recent Successes
"I was very impressed with your work!"
"It was definitely a pleasure with Benny, he took my record from 0 to 100 real quick lol. Very prompt with response to questions which I really liked and a very impressive resume being a grammy nominated engineer and ..."
"Talented, fast and easy to work with. I will most defiantly recommend working with Mickey on any kind of project."
"Brett is a super talented guy who nailed my track on his first try. He’s got a really versatile sound, communicates well and delivers a professional final product. I’ll be coming back to him for sure. Great job!"
"Simons did phenomenal work mixing and mastering 3 pieces for piano and strings, it was not easy to get a cohesive sound and Simon did a great job. My go-to person for mixing my classical compositions. "
"Amazing working with rob. He's very professional and always delivers on every level. I will certainly be working with him on other projects! "
"Anton has really come through for us on several songs now. Working with him on this last one, Looking For Love, was a particularly great experience. "
"Dan brings crazy talent, vision, professionalism, and overall cool factor to everything he touches. "
"Absolutely great working with Aaron! Super patient and chill with changes to make sure I got the track where I wanted it to be!"