Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Smorodina
A team of professional musicians who already love your music.
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I write music, engineer, mix, produce and more! I toured in Latin America with a major label band for 4 years called Nikki Clan. I co-created and educate at Pro Studio Live. I've been doing all kinds of music projects lately, let me know what you need and I will make sure to get back to you or recommend someone who can help you!
Audio engineer with extensive experience in the following: - Mixing Engineer - Mastering Engineer - Podcast Producer - Dolby Atmos Mixing Engineer - Diverse background in commercial film, classical and independent music.
7 years experience Wrote a song recognized by Cardi B on Instagram Won $100k Worldstar Hip Hop Competition Level 1 Seller on Fiverr for Song Writing Above details some of my accomplishments. I am very comfortable writing genres including Country, Pop, R&B, Trap, and Rap. Looking forward to working with you.
I like cutting records that have a longer shelflife than A BigMac
Get your listeners ready to dance.
British music producer with a award nominated song and over ten thousand streams of Spotify
Recorded/performed with: Official Hige Dandism, Kenshi Yonezu, Studio Ghibli, Gen Hoshino, Flumpool, and more.
Hi! I'm Adrian, a composer, music producer, mixer, and mastering engineer! I'm an artist like you who decided to learn how to mix and master in order to sound impactful, big, and overall, professional. For me, it is an absolute honor to be part of your art and craft, so be sure I will do my 100% to make your song sound like you have in your head!
Recent Successes
"Aaron stem-mastered one of my songs, and it turned out really good! He has a strong technical background and is adaptive to requested changes. Overall, he did a really solid job."
"It was a plesure work with Jon! He give a incredible change in my song ! 😍 He have and incredible voice !! I think that we make a very good job with him! I hope we can work togheter again!💪🏻🎶"
"Jason is one of the best singers / songwriters i have ever encountered! He likes to discuss your ideas and keeps you up to date + works very fast! Can't wait to work again with Jason!"
"Outstanding! His ear is sharp!! I am eager to continue working with him on all of my projects. "
"His masters sound great! Really good feel for the music. "
"It is incredible to work with him, he takes great care of the essence of the music and the result is excellent."
"Eileen is a top vocalist and lyricist! She understood exactly what I wanted and delivered instantly! She is also very open to feedback and new ideas. Will definitely work with her again!"
"Austin was just amazing to work with again. He is a really sharp producer and can definitely find that sweet spot when you're try to do some genre crossover. I gave Austin a rough track that was quite retro and he mag..."
"Very good job! Thank you, Yoad "